
#60 Podcast tags

Zlinx Wired

Support podcast specific tags (Identifier, feed, description), currently shown as "unknown".


  • Urs Fleisch

    Urs Fleisch - 2015-09-06

    Thanks for the suggestion. I suppose you are requesting support for the ID3v2 frames TGID, WFED, TDES and probably also PCST. The TGID and TDES would be no problem, the PCST could be possible to add. However, I am not able to provide support for WFED without modifying TagLib. The frame is a text information frame with the name of a URL link frame, I receive an URL link frame from TagLib without the link information. Specializing the TagLib FrameFactory is not possible because createFrame() is not virtual.

    This must be added to TagLib. There was already a fork with WFED support, but it was not integrated, probably because the author did not create a pull request. Maybe we should try to revive this to get support for podcast frames.

  • Zlinx Wired

    Zlinx Wired - 2015-09-16

    Sorry for the delay in my response... I was away my home.

    Can´t really say... I don´t know (right now) the technical details... The feature I suggest is achieved by the ID3 Editor software by Pa-software. They say that this fields are not part of the ISO standard, so you´re supposed to by right.

    Would you look on this suggestion?
    Thank you for your consideration.

  • Urs Fleisch

    Urs Fleisch - 2015-09-16

    The only thing you need to know about the technical details is that patching TagLib, a third-party library used by Kid3, is necessary in order to implement this feature. I have submitted a pull request with the needed changes to TagLib, but have not received any response yet. The TagLib maintainers are in the process of preparing version 1.10, and new features will probably not make it into this release.

    If you are using Kid3 on Windows or Mac OS X, you do not have to care about this because I bundle my patched TagLib inside the Kid3 package. You can find a test version git20150916 for these two operating systems in

    You have to use TagLib for ID3 tags, so deactivate the Id3libMetadata plugin in the Kid3 settings, then restart Kid3. You are then able to read and write PCST, WFED, TGID, and TDES frames.

  • Zlinx Wired

    Zlinx Wired - 2015-09-17

    Wow... Nice!! That was a fast one :D

    As an improvement, I think you should "rename" the labels as "Podcast Id.", "Podcast Feed" and "Podcast Description" to be more undestandable... But the implementations seems correct!!

    Will you keep this change in the next official upgrade, or do I keep this version as a treasure? :D

    Thank you very much.

  • Urs Fleisch

    Urs Fleisch - 2015-09-19

    This feature will be part of the next release, which should be ready in less than a month.

  • Urs Fleisch

    Urs Fleisch - 2015-10-01
    • status: unread --> closed
  • Urs Fleisch

    Urs Fleisch - 2015-10-01

    Is now in version 3.3.0, the labels used for the frames are now more understandable.