
ringout tones

Rob McGee
  • Rob McGee

    Rob McGee - 2005-12-24

    I use KIAX through a local Asterisk server (2 actually, but that's probably not significant). The Zaptel drivers (I think) or the PSTN lines are providing ringout sounds on outbound calls.

    The KIAX ringout sound is too loud in my ear, and worse, sometimes KIAX doesn't detect that the other side has answered, so it keeps ringing.

    Is there any way to disable the ringout tones altogether, or is this yet another feature request on our overworked developer? :)

    • Emo

      Emo - 2006-01-01

      last-minute feature request accepted :) i hope you all, guys have the patience for the new kiax verison, some days more..


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