
How can I solve the some problem around my analysis?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-03-28

    This is Seongho Bae, who Master Candidate; working in Industrial Psychology Department at Kwangwoon University, Seoul. KR. << >>

    I was tried co-occurance analysis with my computer what working on Windows 7 Korean version.
    All text data were collection of English keywords; when I downloaded at EBSCOHost.

    And, I was selected Stanford Style analysis engine, and I did pre-processing job.
    As the result, I can get cluster data; It's words, ordered by rank with TermExtract Engine.

    By the way, I was assessed Tools - Words - Co-Occurance Network of Words.
    And I pressed OK button.
    But, I can not get the any solution.

    KH Coder

    Failed in plotting with R


    Why I can not get any results?



    co-occurance analysis error msg.

    --- Begin Traceback ---
    Can't use string ("0") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>plotR/ line 282.

    plotR::network::new at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>plotR/ line 282
    gui_window::word_netgraph::calc at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>gui_window/ line 360
    gui_window::word_netgraph::ANON at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>gui_window/ line 139
    Tk callback for .toplevel6.button1
    Tk::ANON at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe> line 250
    Tk::Button::butUp at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>Tk/ line 175

    TF-DF Plot Error Msg.

    --- Begin Traceback ---
    Can't call method "path" without a package or object reference at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>gui_window/ line 182.

    (menu invoke)

    (command bound to event)

    Seongho Bae.
    Master of Arts (Applied Psychology) Candidate.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2013-11-18
  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2013-03-28

    Dear Seongho Bae,
    Thank you for your post! I appreciate the detailed information in your post.

    The problem is that the embedded R is not working at all on your PC. It is clear that KH Coder failed to utilize R as the back end tool to make plots.

    But I am not sure why.

    You can try installing KH Coder to default location "C:\khcoder," if you installed it to any other place.

    And running kh_coder.exe as administrator may change something. Right click "kh_coder.exe" and select "run as administrator."

    You can also try temporarily disabling any security software. Disable anti-virus, anti-spyware, internet security or anything else and try starting KH Coder and making plots.

    Right now, that's all what I can think of.

    Best regards,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-03-28

    Thanks your answer for me. It's so fast! I apprepreciate it.

    I had experiment about this analysis problem.
    I got new PCs for this ;)

    Condition 1. Windows XP SP 3 Korean Edition, 2GB RAM.
    It seems good working. All problems are not represented (promported).

    Condition 2. Windows 8 Korean Edition, 2GB RAM
    I was failed to get any results. In Windows 8, It seems Application wasn't find path of any required libraries like dll, pl, etc.

    Condition 3. Windows 7 Home Edition K, 4GB RAM (ABOVE SYSTEM)

    I guess, It's locale problem. Application were compiled for UTF-8?
    As you know, Windows 7 and 8 are UTF-8 locale friendly.

    Blessed in the name of Jesus Christ,

    Seongho Bae.
    Master of Arts (Applied Psychology) Candidate.

  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2013-03-28

    Thank you for the detailed information again!

    Like you said, KH Coder is not UTF-8 ready.

    So KH Coder cannot handle any files if there are any non-ascii characters in the full path. For example, if you installed KH Coder to "C:\Users\_NAME_\Desktop\khcoder" and the "_NAME_" contained some Hangeul characters, KH Coder would not work.

    But KH Coder is supposed to work on Windows 7 / 8, if there are only English alphabets in the full path (folder name). For example, install KH Coder to "C:\khcoder" and copy the data file as "C:\khcoder\data\keywords.txt."

    Anyway, you can use it on XP at least. That's good news, I think.

    So if you have some enough spare time, you may try some above procedures on Windows 7 / 8. But you may also just forget about it and use XP when it's necessary :)

    Best regards,


    Last edit: HIGUCHI Koichi 2013-03-29
    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2013-03-29

      I was worked on C:\keywords.txt and excluded any Hangeul characters on the path when I had avobe experiments. :)

      Condition control is BASIC for psychological experiment. :)

      In my opinion, Processing "\" - reversed slash - problem.
      KH coder is seems using a path character like Yen (Japanese Dollar) inside code. But, in Korean OS, Path character is Korean Won().
      It's not problem at Windows XP, But Sometimes it's the problematic issue Based on Windows 7 and 8 systems I guess; based on my short programming competency.


      Seongho Bae.
      Master of Arts (Applied Psychology) Candidate.


      Last edit: Anonymous 2013-03-29
  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2013-03-29

    Thank you for the information!

    The path of the data file "C:\keywords.txt" is ok. But please note that the installation path of KH Coder itself should not contain any non-ascii characters either.

    Anyway, I believe the "yen" (Japanese Dollar) will be recognized as backslash on English locale systems.

    But I have never touched Korean version of Windows, so I cannot say anything for sure in this case. It may well be causing the problem. I will look into this issue if I have some chances to try Korean version of Windows (Korean students here may be going to help me, I hope).

    Thank you again for helpful suggestions.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2013-03-29

      If you can make some of fees for verifying this, is may useful to you. Windows server 2012 is based same platform with Windows 8.

      Anyway, Do you want my help? How can I help you?

      Seongho Bae.
      Master of Arts (Applied Psychology) Candidate.

  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2013-03-29

    Thank you very much for offering!
    But above reports you already gave me are enough contribution for now.

    I think I should check up some points on my side first.

    After that, I may be going to collect volunteers who can let me use PC with Korean Windows 7/8 for several hours in Ritsumeikan University where I belong to. There is significant number of students from Korea in this Univ. (I meant "Ritsumeikan University" by the word "here" in the previous post. I am sorry for such a confusing sentence.)

    Or I would try the link you told me.

    Thank you again.


    Last edit: HIGUCHI Koichi 2013-03-29
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-27

    Dear Higuchi-sensei
    I'm having this exact same problem running co-occurrence networks --- both on the tutorial data and my own data. Every other function runs fine --- I can produce tf-idf plots, correspondence analysis, hierarchical clustering, SOM plots, etc.

    I've tried turning off security software; I've checked updating igraph and Matrix in dep\R\library.

    Also tried setting PATH variable for R to the KH Coder one. I have khcoder installed at default location, but error occurs if installed at other locations. No luck on any of these.

    It appears like khcoder\config\R-bridge it will build the matrix khc0_temp0.r and plot a series of unlabeled plots (e.g. khc0_word_netgraph_7.png).

    --- Begin Traceback ---
    Can't use string ("0") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>plotR/ line 295.

    plotR::network::new at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>plotR/ line 295
    gui_window::word_netgraph::calc at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>gui_window/ line 362
    gui_window::word_netgraph::ANON at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>gui_window/ line 139
    Tk callback for .toplevel.button1
    Tk::ANON at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe> line 250
    Tk::Button::butUp at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>Tk/ line 175
    (command bound to event)

    [1] "Statistics::R - Perl bridge started!"
    [1] "khcoder31.0"
    [1] "khcoderx86_64"
    <simpleError in="" text.default(lc.x,="" lc.y,="" labels="edge.labels," col="edge.label.color," family="," font="edge.label.font," cex="edge.label.cex):" no="" coordinates="" were="" supplied="">
    <simpleError in="" text.default(lc.x,="" lc.y,="" labels="edge.labels," col="edge.label.color," family="," font="edge.label.font," cex="edge.label.cex):" no="" coordinates="" were="" supplied="">
    <simpleError in="" text.default(lc.x,="" lc.y,="" labels="edge.labels," col="edge.label.color," family="," font="edge.label.font," cex="edge.label.cex):" no="" coordinates="" were="" supplied="">
    <simpleError in="" text.default(lc.x,="" lc.y,="" labels="edge.labels," col="edge.label.color," family="," font="edge.label.font," cex="edge.label.cex):" no="" coordinates="" were="" supplied="">
    <simpleError in="" text.default(lc.x,="" lc.y,="" labels="edge.labels," col="edge.label.color," family="," font="edge.label.font," cex="edge.label.cex):" no="" coordinates="" were="" supplied="">
    <simpleError in="" text.default(lc.x,="" lc.y,="" labels="edge.labels," col="edge.label.color," family="," font="edge.label.font," cex="edge.label.cex):" no="" coordinates="" were="" supplied="">
    <simpleError in="" text.default(lc.x,="" lc.y,="" labels="edge.labels," col="edge.label.color," family="," font="edge.label.font," cex="edge.label.cex):" no="" coordinates="" were="" supplied="">
    [1] "khcoderN 38, E 60, D .085"
    [1] "khcoderNodes 38 (78), Edges 60 (2899), Density .085, Min. Jaccard .169"
    [1] "khcoderJac0.168945697401951ok"

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-27

    I also downloaded the latest beta release and tried that --- khcoder-2b32d-f.exe --- and had same problem. Obviously some issue most likely on my end --- if you have any suggestions it would be much appreciated!

    --- Begin Traceback ---
    Can't use string ("0") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>plotR/ line 305.

    plotR::network::new at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>plotR/ line 305
    gui_window::word_netgraph::calc at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>gui_window/ line 360
    gui_window::word_netgraph::ANON at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>gui_window/ line 137
    Tk callback for .toplevel.button1
    Tk::ANON at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe> line 250
    Tk::Button::butUp at /<C:\\khcoder\\kh_coder.exe>Tk/ line 175
    (command bound to event)

  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2015-05-27

    Dear user,

    Can you turn on the debug mode and attach debug information here? The detailed procedures are as follows.

    1. Shut down KH Coder
    2. Open khcoder\config\coder.ini with a text editor. Find a line like “r_plot_debug 0” and change the “0” to “1”. Then save the file.
    3. Start KH Coder, open the tutorial project and try making a co-occurrence network. If you get errors as expected, it’s OK. Go to the next step.
    4. You will find files like “khc0_word_netgraph_1.r”, “khc0_word_netgraph_2.r”, etc. in khcoder\config\R-bridge folder. Attach these files to here.

    In the folder, you may also find some *.png files. If you open the *.png files, can you see the networks?


    Last edit: HIGUCHI Koichi 2015-05-27
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-27

    Dear Higuchi-sensei,
    Thanks for the assistance. Please find the r files attached; I attached just one of the .png files --- it produces the edges in the various .png files.


  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2015-05-27

    Thank you for sending me the debug files and attaching the png file. I think I understand the issue.

    Currently, KH Coder is not compatible with newer version of igraph package. It's only compatible with the igraph package that comes with KH Coder. But it seems that R somehow loads the newer version of igraph package on your PC and that causes this issue.

    Can you locate "igraph" folder in your own R installation and rename it to "igraph_bak" temporarily? Then try making co-occurrence network on KH Coder.


    Last edit: HIGUCHI Koichi 2015-05-27
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-27

    Thanks, Higuchi-sensei. That works!

    Is there a way to set an environment variable so that KH Coder loads its igraph package and not my own installation? I don't use igraph very often so it's not the worst thing, but may be useful if possible.

    Thank you very much for your help!

    ありがとう ございました!

  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2015-05-27

    Is there a way to set an environment variable so that KH Coder loads its igraph package and not my own installation?

    Do you have "R_LIBS" or "R_LIBS_USER" environment variable on your system? R may load packages from directories specified by these variables.

    Anyway I fixed KH Coder and make it compatible with the newer version of igraph. I released it with the version number 2.beta.32e.

    So you have to (a) check and modify "R_LIBS" or "R_LIBS_USER" environment variable and / or (b) update your KH Coder to 2.beta.32e.

    Thank you for helping me to improve the software!


    Last edit: HIGUCHI Koichi 2015-06-02
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-10-12

    Hi Koichi,

    I want to report that the igraph integration is broken again if someone has the newest version of the igraph package installed on their system. I've found a work around in Windows 7, however, that seems to work for me.

    Since KH Coder looks for the igraph package in the default R library location when a concurrent R 3.2/igraph 1.0.1 installation is present (and thus the R library folder has been created in the “My Documents” folder), as long as you also have the proper version of igraph (i.e., the one that KH Coder expects) installed in a user-created R 3.1 library folder, KH Coder will find it and produce the co-occurrence map without error.

    It’s kind of an odd procedure, but it works!


    Last edit: Anonymous 2015-10-12
  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2015-10-12


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-05-05


    I downloaded the KH coder and unzipped the files. However, when I click on the folder to open it, a tiny window opens for a split second and is gone immediately, meaning the program doesn't open. Does anyone know what I need to do to open it?

    Thnaks in advance!

  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2017-05-05


    We need some more info to figure it out. What OS are you using? Windows 10? Mac? And what version of KH Coder are you trying to use?

    when I click on the folder to open it

    What exactly did you click? What button or icon on what window?

    Also, please make a new topic when you post a new question which is irrelevant to the existing topic (next time).


    Last edit: HIGUCHI Koichi 2017-05-05
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-05-05

    Thanks for the fast reply. I am using Windows 10. I want to use the latest version (3).
    I downloaded the zipped file and unzipped it, copied it to another file. The next step seems to be to click on a setup or, but this file is not there. Therefore, I cannot open the program.

  • HIGUCHI Koichi

    HIGUCHI Koichi - 2017-05-05


    1. Unzip to default folder C:\khcoder3
    2. Open the folder C:\khcoder3 with Explorer
    3. Double click “kh_coder.exe”

    For more details, please see the detailed tutorial here. See figure 2 and 3.

    You don't have to "setup" KH Coder, unzipping is all you have to do.


    Last edit: HIGUCHI Koichi 2017-05-05
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-05-08

    Thanks for the explanation. The program is intalled!



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