
KEnvy24 / News: Recent posts

KParts, Mixer and DMX 6Fire

After a redesign and a little bit of "face lifting", KEnvy24 is now more compliant with KDE4. It's being built using KParts and the most important one, the Mixer Part, is now working OK. Just take a look into the KDE4 playground/multimedia. Also, take a look to the screen shots.

The other parts to be completed are the "Surround Part" (though, I have no surround system) and the "Configuration Part".... read more

Posted by Valentin 2008-12-28

Work resumed as now I have a DMX 6Fire!

Vedran Miletic from Croatia kindly donated his DMX 6Fire card. Thank you Vedran !

As KDE4.1 now stabilized, I resumed work on this project. It's still on the KDE playground and right now it is not quite usable, as I'm doing massive UI rewrite. The new version will be (hopefully) much more beautiful and even more simpler to use.

The new kenvy24 will be organized in several parts:
- the main part, wich will be holding all the features, by agregating the other parts,
- the mixer part - mainly used to control volumes,
- the surround part - for the DMX 6Fire and similar cards,
- the configuration part.... read more

Posted by Valentin 2008-08-12

Help Wanted : DMX 6Fire functions


Now that KEnvy24 is working on KDE4, I'm calling for those of you who have the DMX 6Fire card to help, please! You can do it either by :
- implementing these functions (take a look to envy24control for some hints),
- lending me a DMX 6Fire card for a month or two (if you're living in France),
- by donating me your useless DMX 6Fire :)

Please contact me if you can help !

Posted by Valentin 2008-01-27

The project is now fully ported to KDE4

As KUbuntu and others are providing standard packages, you can now build the project without KDE sources. See this page for installation instructions on your distribution :

After installing kdecore-dev and kdesdk-dev, you can compile and run kenvy24 under KDE4.

Have fun !

Posted by Valentin 2008-01-26

GUI is now fully ported to KDE4

Thanks to KUbuntu updates, and the new QT4 designer updates, I was able to fully port KEnvy24 to the new KDE4 GUI. The updates are visible into KDE playground/multimedia/kenvy24.

I requested, I may release a new version here. So feel free to post a request in the forum.

Posted by Valentin 2008-01-16

KEnvy24 committed into KDE4 playground !

After an initial porting to KDE4, I'm proud to announce KEnvy24 inclusion into KDE4's playground/multimedia section. Main development now goes there.

Posted by Valentin 2007-11-22

KEnvy24 will be included into KDE4

The KDE team agreed with KEnvy24 inclusion into future KDE4 releases.

Work is in progress for KDE3 to KDE4 porting.

Posted by Valentin 2007-11-05

French and Romanian translation added

Check-out 1.0.a release for this :)

Posted by Valentin 2007-11-03

Version 1.0 release

I'm glad to announce the first release.

Enjoy !

Posted by Valentin 2007-10-23

First version (1.0) will soon be released


Almost all of the work is now done for the first release. After adding some more documentation, I'll release the version 1.0.

See you soon !

Posted by Valentin 2007-10-22