
newbie questions

  • Knud Haugaard Soerensen

    I am new to kenosis and bittorrent.

    1) Is it necessary to run a tracker. ??

    If the answer to 1 is no, then why do I have problems
    connecting to the tracker ??

    If the answer to 1 is yes, then how does I tell
    the tracker which file it is tracker for ??

    2) Do you have any plans for a version
    which runs on debian stable (python 2.2) ??

    • marc

      marc - 2005-01-23

      I'm in the process of compiling an rpm.  Whether that would run on debian not so sure since my distro is FC3.

      However when I get the rpm ready I'll get you to test it for me if you want.

      Theres a program called rpmtodeb or something like that. If your interested?

    • marc

      marc - 2005-01-25

      Sorry about the double post.  The answer to question 1 is no.  It is backwards compatible.  In the other forum there is a requirement section.  Can't remember whether it needs python 2.2 or 2.3 I know its been tested and works on 2.3.

      Anyways here is the link please give feedback.


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