Set Font Type and Size for the Notes Field would be really great.
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it would be really great when version 2 gets the same feature as version 1 of KeePass regarding the notes font. Please add a button in the options area (perhaps under the Password-Font-Button) where it is possible to change the Notes-Font for the main window. It would be great, when having the same font settings also in the editors window, but it's not necessary in my opinion. Having the possibilty to see the contents of the notes field in a monospaced font would be fantastic.
Thanks and best Regards
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Thanks and best regards,
Hello Dominik,
ok, I know that, but the request 1859 is over 6 years old. So I just want to bring back the idea to memory. Is there hope that realisation will take place in the near future?
Thanks and best regards
Not right now. When implementing it, I'll post in the first feature request.
Thanks and best regards,