
#2421 Add a tags managing window

tags (1)

Currently, it's really difficult to systematically apply tags to entries. The user interface works against this. In my opinion, the tagging feature is next to useless, in practice, in its present implementation. A few scenarios :

1. Add or change tags for a new or existing entry

a) Through Add Entry or Open, Properties, Tags

There's no autocomplete while typing in order to suggest tags, no drop-down list to pick from, no hint of what the separator is. The risk of creating redundant tags is high (example : Finance / Money).

b) Through right-click on the entry

There's no Tags command in the context menu. One has to guess it's necessary to click on the Selected Entries command, in order to open a sub-menu with the relevant Add Tag and Remove Tag commands (that's not intuitive at all, and difficult to remember).

The Add Tag / Remove Tag system is very cumbersome. It's very strange to separate Add and Remove. It would be much easier to have tick boxes, for instance.

If one needs to add, remove or create more than one tag at that stage, there's no tag editing window staying open. One needs to go down the bizarre menu hierarchy all over again, for each tag (4 clicks).
In order to know what tags an entry has, if any, one has to click Remove Tag, which is completely counter-intuitive.

2. Search entries by tags

Very limited. The only easy type of search is : find all entries with one particular tag (Edit / Show Entries by Tag).

Searching by two tags or more is very cumbersome and haphazard. It has to be done in a separate area of the user interface, which is counter-intuitive.

Edit / Find, tick Tags box, type tags in search field. Again, no autocomplete or drop-down list, to check against existing tags. There's no way to know for sure your search string is right. If the search does not return the desired result, you must start all over again : 2 clicks, and the previous search string is not shown (one more possibility of getting the new search wrong).

3. Manage tags for all the entries

As far as I know, there's no way to do that. There's no Tags menu command opening a Tags managing window. There's no way to rename a tag and have the change apply across the board. You need to remove it and create a new one. There's no way to select several tags and remove them at once, or to create a tag without applying it to a specific entry.

All I have found is the very partial workaround offered here.

That's what breaks the tags feature in my opinion. If one starts applying tags systematically (and that's the only way they can be useful), one will need to check and adjust the consistency of the tags list from time to time. No convenient way is supplied to do that.

It seems to me an Edit / Tags unified command is needed, which would lead to all tags operations. With the associated right-click menu command, and pruning of the previous user interface layers.


  • ArtyoZ

    ArtyoZ - 2019-01-23

    I supporting this by both hands!

  • Uber Widget

    Uber Widget - 2023-02-11

    For those wishing to remove a parent tag from KeePass, whether because it is no longer needed or because it was misspelled, this is how I did it.

    1. Bring up all of the entries with a particular tag. This short tutorial in the "Properties" subsection of the KeePass "Entry Dialog" help page explains how to bring up all of the entries containing a particular tag.

    2. Once you have brought up all of the entries containing the particular tag, select all of the entries (Ctrl+A).

    3. Once all the entries are selected, use the right-click context menu entry for "Edit Entry (Quick)" to quickly batch remove the offending tag from all of the selected entries.

    KeePass will automatically remove the offending parent tag from its database after you have removed it from all of the entries where it was being used.

  • Jeff

    Jeff - 2023-04-21

    I'm new to keepass and very interested in this feature. It would make the process of adding new entries more streamlined. Currently, you need to create a new entry, save it, then right-click add tags to see existing tags.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2023-04-22

    You can see tags by clicking on the Properties tab when the entry is selected.

    cheers, Paul

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2023-04-25

    More to the point, the "Properties" tab shows a button at the right end of the "Tags" field. Click on that and you can select from any of the tags that you've previously used. Click it more than once to add multiple tags; the program will format them for you.


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