
#2329 Additional Auto-Type for Password Only



There are many sites now that remember your username and want just the password when relogging in. Say, when a session expires. Other times, if logged out explicitly, I still need the full username/password sequence.

Can you add a global hot-key for just sending the password for a matching entry? It wouldn't need any special sequence definitions like the main auto-type since that one has to be able navigate a form layout. This "password-only" hot-key would instead send just the password string without anything else (such as a [ENTER]).



  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-01-25

    Create a new Auto-Type sequence for those entries that require just a password and KeePass will ask which sequence to use.

    cheers, Paul

  • kibinimatik

    kibinimatik - 2018-01-26

    With the AutoTypeShow plugin you can assign a global hot-key to open KeePass with the preselected entry matching to the target window instead of auto-type.
    Then you can fill the password or the username via drag-and-drop, or via clipboard, or via submenu 'Perform Auto-Type'.
    Additionally you can perform auto-type for any field (incl. custom) and even for any custom sequence by using some triggers. See gif


    Last edit: kibinimatik 2018-01-26
  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2018-01-27

    It's not a hotkey, but you can add a submenu to the right-click menu that will allow you to select {PASSWORD} only, the standard {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER} (for entries changed from the standard default), or several other common non-default sequences. Go into Tools | Options, select the Interface tab, scroll down one line, to the bottom of the Main Window section, and check "Show additional auto-type menu commands". (This is the submenu that kibinimatik mentions above, but it doesn't appear unless you make this tweak in the settings.)


    Last edit: T. Bug Reporter 2018-01-27
    • Todd Powers

      Todd Powers - 2018-04-07

      This is PERFECT! I like this option much better than having to remember another hotkey! Before long, I'll need a hotkey manager! :P


      Last edit: Todd Powers 2018-04-07
  • kibinimatik

    kibinimatik - 2018-01-27

    Another way is to use the CheckPasswordBox plugin.
    Insert the {PASSWORDBOX} placeholder in the auto-type sequence before the {Password} placeholder, e,g. {Username}{Tab}{PasswordBox}{Password}{Enter}
    Now if the password input field is focused, only subsequence {Password}{Enter} will be typed.


    Last edit: kibinimatik 2018-01-27
  • Andrewski

    Andrewski - 2018-02-21

    Added my vote, I would like to see an option to add a global hotkey to autotype both the username and password seperately.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2018-04-22
    • status: open --> closed

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