
#2300 Open KeePass if auto-type match is not found


I have found that when a window title changes, common on web pages, KeePass no longer responds to the auto-type shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+A). I would like to request that if a match is not found, it would open the KeePass application so that i can find the correct entry and update its auto-type settings.


  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-09-29

    If you keep KeePass minimized to the taskbar, you are one click away from the main KeePass window.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-09-29


    cheers, Paul

  • univar

    univar - 2017-09-29

    I currently open KeePass manually as you describe and it is very easy. However, I am always looking for ways to remove extra actions and this seems like a logical, low priority, improvement.

  • Todd Powers

    Todd Powers - 2018-04-07

    I was actually thinking about this today. I have KeePass configured to ALWAYS display the "select entry" window, even when there's only one entry. I do this because I've had Ctrl+Alt+A autotype a password into the wrong site. So whenever there isn't a match, I have to close that window then Ctrl+Alt+K. I usually do a Ctrl+F to find the entry, wherever it may exist in my database.

    I would actually prefer it if KeePass simply brought up the Ctrl+F dialog asking me to search for an entry, then populated the normal, "select entry" dialog with the matches. That would make things much quicker.

    [Ctrl+Alt+A] --> "Not Found. Search For Entry: [...]" --> Type Search String [Enter] --> Entry Select Screen


    Last edit: Todd Powers 2018-04-07
  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-04-07

    You need the AutoTypeSearch plug-in.

    cheers, Paul


    Last edit: Paul 2018-04-07
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2018-04-07
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: KeePass --> KeePass_2.x

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