
Failed to load the specified file

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  • vectorfrog

    vectorfrog - 2011-10-04

    Paul, I appreciate all of your help and support, and I agree that I should have backed up and tested accessing my passwords before I re-installed  (some of us have to learn the hard way).  My point was just that I was stupid to have all of my passwords in a single location.  I love keepass and will continue to use it, but I'm going to back them up in another location using another program, just so I'm not relying on one program to access such important information.  If I forget my trueCrypt password, I'll be just as hosed as if I forgot my keePass password, but if I have my passwords saved in both locations, if for whatever reason I can't access the passwords in one program, hopefully I can access them in another program.  That's all.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-09

    So, this seems like the thread for recent composite key issues - since everyone else seems to be having the same symptoms as me, I thought I'd point out what my issue is.

    As I'm typing my passphrase in the composite key's box for it, keepass selects the whole field, so that I end up overwriting part of the password I have typed. The result is that even if my keystrokes were the valid password, keypass makes it invalid by removing the first portion.

    It selects the field the same amount of time in (so when I remember, I just wait until it's done doing that and start typing). If I forget and am in autopilot typing mode, I get the error message that the composite key is invalid and am sent to the prompt again.

    So, for all of you having mysterious issues with your database, type a few characters in the password field, and wait a moment to see if they are selected, then type your full passphrase and see if you can open your database.

    This started happening randomly with me, but I'm not certain if I just messed up some settings or if it's a true bug.

    For specs, this happens on three Win7 x64 computers running Keepass Portable 2.16 and synced via dropbox.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-10

    Well, I have the same problem:
    "Failed to load the specified file! The composite key is invalid! Make sure the composite key is correct and try again."

    Yesterday I ran up 2.16 and got an error message telling me database is corrupt, so I went through the restore procedure and everything was hunky dory.

    This morning I get the "Failed to load…" error whatever I do.
    I do not use Windows password nor a master password, only a Key File.  Never changed any of these.

    Went to second computer with a backup copy of my kbdx file. Works fine with 2.14  _and_ 2.16.
    Using the same keyfile as the other computer.

    I copied the faulty? kbdx file to a memory stick. and put it on the second computer. Had to upgrade due to "need later version" to read faulty? kdbx.

    Same problem.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-10-10

    Ah! Forgot to mention that KeeFox is still working OK.
    Does it use the same kdbx file?
    If not where does it save passwords?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2011-10-10

    <So, this seems like the thread for recent composite key issues>
    KeePass does not select anything after presenting the Enter Master Key window. Please describe exactly what you do and in what order.

    fopetesl, KeeFox stores all passwords in KeePass. If it still works,  so does KeePass.
    Check that you have the correct database and key file.

    cheers, Paul

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-12-06

    Re: <So, this seems like the thread for recent composite key issues>

    I can start a new thread if that's easier - I didn't get an alert of a response since I'm using openid.

    The funny thing is, it's not happening anymore. But for many months, the input box was being selected (almost like it was being given focus where everything currently in the box gets selected), but long after the composite key box popped up, leading my input to be erased if I wasn't aware of what's going on. If it starts happening again, I'll take a video and post it so that you can see it.

    I'm not sure what changed when it stopped happening, but for now, it's gone. Thanks for developing this software!

  • Don Tingsley

    Don Tingsley - 2012-10-02

    Same issue here. Files created in Keepass 2.20 on W7, opening on ubuntu 12.04 with Keepass 2.18. I just reproduced this but may only be related to what others see. I created a new test.kdbx and saved with master password "test" on w7 and then saved via Wuala opened in Ubuntu. No key file needed. If I then open in Ubuntu and type in the master password "test", its fine. If I then copy paste the word "test" but then backspace, and re-enter the "t", I get the key file error. This is even though the password should be the same. *Something* seems to be being pasted into the field that is causing problems when further entering/editing text.

    Heres the db file I used:

  • Paul

    Paul - 2012-10-03

    This is pasting in Ubuntu, yes?
    Does the DB open if you paste the password without changing it?

    cheers, Paul

  • Souheil

    Souheil - 2013-04-12

    i am having the same problem.
    i have a safe copie of my database and key file.
    i use only a key file , not associated to any windows id or login, no master password...

    the problem started happening after a windows update took place.

    this is really frustrating as i am unable to access important sites anymore ... even my plex hosting panel password is in there and cannot access it anymore... my fb, codeplex, twitter, .... the whole nine yards ....

    please help !!!!!

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-04-14

    KeePass V2.20 uses a newer database format. This may not be supported on Ubuntu versions of KeePass. If you are using mono KeePass you need to update to V2.20 or higher.

    cheers, Paul

  • Mandroid

    Mandroid - 2015-12-07

    today when i try to open my database have this error: failed to load the specifield file! ....
    Yesterday everything was ok...
    i use .kdbx file with master password


    Last edit: Mandroid 2015-12-07
  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-12-07

    Failed to load messages imply that the database file is no longer available. What is the exact message?
    Where is your database stored? Have you checked it is available in Windows Explorer?
    Do you have a backup of the database? You could restore it to a temporary location to test / compare with the one you use normally.

    cheers, Paul


    Last edit: Paul 2015-12-07
  • Mandroid

    Mandroid - 2015-12-07

    Message is:
    The signature fileThe file signature is invalid. Either the isn't a Keepass database file at all or it is corrupted.
    The database is stored on mi secondary HD where it has always been, if i click on file .kdbx start Keepass but when i insert password have the messsage.
    No i dont have the backup.
    i try to download version zip... but the poroblem is the same

  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-12-07

    The problem is with your database file, either it is the wrong file or it is corrupt.
    Check that you do not have another database file on your disk.
    What size, date and time is the problem file?

    cheers, Paul

  • Mandroid

    Mandroid - 2015-12-08

    2 days a go i close maybe force closed windows and after restart pc the database dont open, database size is 36Kb i found another old database and the problem is the same.
    If you want i can send you database and password....

  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-12-08

    37kB is OK for a small database.

    Try a repair.
    Open KeePass with no database loaded.
    Create a new database but do not save it.
    File > Import
    Select KeePass KDBX (2.x) (Repair mode)
    Browse to your database and select it.
    Click OK.
    Enter your password.
    Cross your fingers.

    cheers, Paul

  • Mandroid

    Mandroid - 2015-12-08

    Sorry but if i dont save i cant create/import database... i follow the instruction but if i insert or no password keepass create a empty folder under homebanking voice.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-12-08

    There is no need to save the new database. You can delete all the entries if you wish, it's just to allow a repair import.
    If KeePass does not import anything it's because the data in your file cannot be recovered.

    cheers, Paul

  • Mandroid

    Mandroid - 2015-12-09

    All my password lost!!

  • Mandroid

    Mandroid - 2015-12-09

    But why also other database dont works? i try with old version 2.2.7 both database, sorry where i download 2.28 and 2.29?
    i cant beleve there is no way to recovery...


    Last edit: Mandroid 2015-12-09
  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2015-12-09

    It is not clear from your initial post what edition (1.x or 2.x) and version of KeePass you were (and are) using, or what OS you are running on. The two editions are not compatible. Please provide this information. You should confirm that you are opening files with the default 2.x extension (.kdbx) using a version of the KeePass 2.x edition. You can also inspect the database file with a Hex editor to verify that the initial bytes correspond to a 2.x database.

    The latest version of each KeePass edition is available for download at If your installed KeePass program can create, save, close, then open a new database, there is nothing wrong with KeePass.

    Instead of double clicking on the database to open it, try to open the KeePass program directly. If it prompts for a Master Key enter the Master Key. If that does not work, open KeePass without a database, then from the KeePass menu select "File>Open>Open File..." or press Ctrl+O; browse to your database and try to open it.

    As Paul wrote earlier, the error message "File signature is invalid" means that the database is damaged or not a KeePass database. If you are recieving the same "File signature is invalid" message when trying to open different database copies, that were created at different times, then you are probably trying of open files that are not KeePass databases, or copies of the original damaged file, or much less likely, you have experienced some system wide catastrophe.


    Last edit: wellread1 2015-12-09
  • Mandroid

    Mandroid - 2015-12-10

    I use KP 2.x win7 ult. 64 bit, i dont understand because the before day i close my pc how all days and the after day i cant open my database...

    for start KP when KP works i click on icon and the window password open, insert Master password and automatically database load. i also try to open database file with double click .kdbx and go all ok.

    i dont need last version but 2.28 and 2.29.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-12-10

    The latest V2 version will open all V2 databases.

    The message indicates your database is corrupt or not a database file at all. It seems likely that you have some data corruption after the crash and the only solution is to restore from an external backup.

    cheers, Paul

  • Mandroid

    Mandroid - 2015-12-10

    Ok i agree, but why both database?

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2015-12-10

    i found another old database and the problem is the same.

    It is hard to diagnose, beyond the error message it generates, what might be wrong with a database with an unknown history.


    Last edit: wellread1 2015-12-10
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