
Win KeePass 2.39.1 crash w/AquaSnap when switching from local to RDP

  • Kelly Price

    Kelly Price - 2018-06-16

    I'm having a regular repeatable crash of KeePass 2.39.1 on my Windows 7 Pro system, when used in combo with AquaSnap, on my work PC (which has 3 screens).

    Here's how to reproduce it:
    1. Have KeePass and Aquasnap running on Win7 Pro, 2+ screens.
    2. Lock your Win7 system.
    3. RDP into your Win7 system (which switches it from 2+ screens to 1 screen).
    4. Open KeePass

    I get a crash that mentions that KeePass crashed on something related with Aquasnap. I think I got it to crash again going from RDP back to the three screens at work.

  • Horst

    Horst - 2018-06-16

    So you have a problem with Aquasnap and .Net applications,
    not neccesary with KeePass.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-06-17

    If you stop Aquasnap?
    Can you post the full error message?

    cheers, Paul

  • Kelly Price

    Kelly Price - 2018-06-26

    So I had the chance to RDP back in. I had to turn off Aquasnap after putting it in (it can't handle resolution changes from three-to-RDP).

    After a few minutes, and trying to open Keepass, Windows says "It's stopped working!"

    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:   BEX64
      Application Name: KeePass.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:    5af6a364
      Fault Module Name:    AquaSnap.Hook.x64.dll_unloaded
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp:   59edfbd2
      Exception Offset: 000007fedbfbeccd
      Exception Code:   c0000005
      Exception Data:   0000000000000008
      OS Version:   6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    1033
      Additional Information 1: 4a95
      Additional Information 2: 4a951d2324a07c615f54e0a399caacb5
      Additional Information 3: 17ee
      Additional Information 4: 17eee1ea36ccf6e54ceb08d6a97c7c57
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    The Application Error Log says the same thing.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-06-30

    So it's definitely an issue with Aquasnap as the fault module is Aquasnap. You could ask the nice people at Aquasnap (I assume they're nice).

    cheers, Paul


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