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A Few Questions Here

Maurice G
  • Maurice G

    Maurice G - 2022-11-21

    Last edit: Maurice G 2023-09-09
  • Bruce

    Bruce - 2022-11-21

    A similar question has been asked, many times, before. Plugins are 'plugged into' the KeePass program not any databases, and they may have an affect on the program itself, or any databases that the program manages.

    • Maurice G

      Maurice G - 2022-11-23

      Uh Bruce, There's no limit for help. We're allowed to ask anything about KeePass last time I checked.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2022-11-22

    Ouch! Please don't create the question in one program and then paste into a post. It is very difficult to read.

    1. Do not keep your database on a USB drive. If you lose the drive...
      Keep your database on a PC, back it up to another place and only use the USB for occasional use.

    2. If you copy KeePass.exe and the plug-ins to a USB device, they will run as if installed on any machine you plug the USB into, but only if you create a portable config file for the USB copy - if you need one ask.

    3. You do not create a new database from the old one via File > New. A new database will not have anything in common with an existing open database.
      What are you trying to achieve here?

    4. KDBX files are not different between portable and installed if you open the same database file, or a copy. The database IS the KDBX file and it is not affected by opening in another KeePass.exe or a KeePass compatible app.

    5. KeePass does not sync anything. You must do this manually via File > Synchronize and select a database to sync.
      Running KeePass from a USB and then syncing with this file is not a thing I would want to do unless absolutely necessary. A USB copy should be considered read only IMO.

    cheers, Paul

    • Maurice G

      Maurice G - 2022-11-23

      Last edit: Maurice G 2023-09-09
  • Paul

    Paul - 2022-11-23

    You have 2 blank lines between most of the text. This makes it hard to decide where a sentence starts and finishes. It has nothing to do with the screenshots.

    3 is correct. File > New creates a new database. It does not copy / take anything from an existing open database.

    cheers, Paul

    p.s. my supervisor will only discuss things in person, usually over a coffee. She can be a bit old fashioned like that. :)

    • Maurice G

      Maurice G - 2022-11-23

      Last edit: Maurice G 2023-09-09
  • Paul

    Paul - 2022-11-24

    What do you mean "fails to check for updates"? Exact details please.

    I have not said "do not click KeePass.exe".

    Nothing weird about plug-ins not appearing. Depends on whether you have plug-ins with KeePass.exe and whether another KeePass.exe is already running.

    cheers, Paul

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2022-11-25

    the plugins are already in the new DB

    As others have tried to explain to you several times, plugins are not in the database; they are in the KeePass plugins folder.

    Maybe a "follow along" tutorial will help to convince you of this.
    1. If you don't already have a copy, download the latest Portable KeePass (2.52, currently) from - this will ensure that you don't accidentally change something from your existing KeePass installation.
    2. Right-click the downloaded file, and select "Extract All..." This will create a new folder next to the downloaded file (which looks like it's also a folder, but isn't really) called "KeePass-2.52".
    3. Ctrl-click on that new folder, drag to an empty spot, and release. This will make another copy of the folder - probably called "KeePass-2.52 - Copy".
    4. Download the file below called "KeePass.config.enforced.xml". This will keep these experimental copies of KeePass from poking around in your installed KeePass.
    5. Ctrl-drag the XML file and drop it into the "KeePass-2.52" folder. At this point, "KeePass-2.52" should contain 12 items. Double-click on it and Windows will say so, at the bottom left.
    6. Go back to the original XML file, and drop it (without Ctrl) into "KeePass-2.52 - Copy". Now both KeePass folders should have 12 items. (The original "not really a folder" download should still have 11.)
    7. Double-click the "Plugins" folder inside "KeePass-2.52 - Copy". Find one of your plugins (it doesn't matter which) and put a copy of it in there.
    8. Go back out to "KeePass-2.52 - Copy" and double-click "KeePass.exe". This will start this copy of KeePass, which (because of the XML file I had you add) won't know anything about your existing KeePass installation.
    9. Move this KeePass window aside, but don't close it.
    10. Go back to the "KeePass-2.52" folder (not the "- Copy"), and double-click the "KeePass.exe" file there. Now you should have two KeePass windows open simultaneously.
    11. In this second KeePass window, click Tools | Plugins. This should show an empty list of plugins. Leave this window open.
    12. Go back to the other KeePass window and click Tools | Plugins there. This time you should see your plugin listed there - but still not in the first Plugins window.
    13. If you want, you can close both Plugins windows and use File | Open in each KeePass window to access your database(s) - or the same one in both windows - and you will see that the database(s) you open have zero effect on which plugins are or aren't listed.

    • Maurice G

      Maurice G - 2023-04-02

      Uh T. Bug Reporter I know this is already 10 months old, But on number 2, 2. Right-click the downloaded file, and select "Extract All..." This will create a new folder next to the downloaded file (which looks like it's also a folder, but isn't really) called "KeePass-2.52".

      Um a little problem, when I right click on the Zip Archive and click Extract All - Um
      this doesn't create a new folder next to the downloaded file, I have to make a New folder
      and then I can extract it into the new folder.
      And the KeePass.config.enforced.xml although I downloaded it it doesn't show like your
      screen shot there. All it shows is KeePass.exe.config no XML.
      I'm still trying to follow your tutorial and I need a little help here
      if you get chance please?


      Last edit: Maurice G 2023-09-09
      • T. Bug Reporter

        T. Bug Reporter - 2023-09-10

        I'm sorry, but since I wrote this, I've replaced the Windows default procedure for extracting .zip file contents with a third party program, and I haven't yet figured out how to restore the defaults, so I can't guide you thru this right now. If I find a computer around here that still has "Extract All...", I'll get back to you.

      • Paul

        Paul - 2023-09-10

        It doesn't matter how you extract the files as long as you end up with KeePass.exe and associated files.

        Do not touch KeePass.exe.config, it is required to run KeePass.

        Download KeePass.config.enforced.xml (the last file in TBR's post above) and place it in the same folder as KeePass.exe.

        cheers, Paul

  • Maurice G

    Maurice G - 2022-11-26

    Last edit: Maurice G 2023-09-09
    • Noah G

      Noah G - 2022-11-28

      Okay T-Bug I was following you until you got to this: 4. Download the file below called "KeePass.config.enforced.xml". This will keep these experimental copies of KeePass from poking around in your installed KeePass.

      What do you mean download that file? That's just like a PDF if you click it.
      I'm confused there.

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2022-11-28

    just like a PDF

    Not sure what you mean by this, but if you click on the icon below the filename with the โค“ symbol, it should put a copy of the file in your Downloads folder. You don't have to "open" or read the file that's created; just make copies of it and put the copies in the KeePass folders before you run the KeePass.exe files in them. My bad; I forgot that most browsers now like to try to treat XML files (and PDFs) like Web pages, and that I disabled this "helpful" function in my browser a long time ago.

    (Also nice to know that you seem to have more patience for this stuff than your ... son? Maybe after this, I can talk you thru how to turn your avatar picture right side up. ๐Ÿ˜)


    Last edit: T. Bug Reporter 2022-11-28
    • Noah G

      Noah G - 2022-11-28

      T. Bug, I don't have a son. I'll fix my picture.


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