
A rank newbie with a question....

  • Mike

    Mike - 2023-07-30

    I do two-way radio systems and to program the radios I have two laptops: Win-7 and Win-10.
    I also have Win-7 and Win-10 desktops at the shop, and a Win 7 desktop at home.
    ... and an Android cellphone.
    The home desktop and Android cellphone "remember" most of my passwords, and I installed KeePass 2 on my desktop at home to migrate into a password manager.

    I poked around the KeePass menus on the desktop and do not see any way to import the existing passwords from the Firefox browser. Once i see that working and trust it then I'll install KeePass on my cell and change the various email / web site passwords.
    I'm probably going to need help to get the Android cell to mate with the data base created by the desktop.

    Comments / suggestions welcome!

    Thanks in advance


    • Alex Watson

      Alex Watson - 2024-02-20

      It sounds like you're on the right track with setting up KeePass to manage your passwords across your devices. To import passwords from Firefox into KeePass, you'll typically need to export your passwords from Firefox as a CSV or XML file, then import that file into KeePass. The exact steps may vary slightly depending on the versions of Firefox and KeePass you're using, but there are many tutorials available online that can guide you through the process.

      Once you've successfully imported your passwords into KeePass on your desktop, you'll want to sync the KeePass database with your Android cellphone. One way to do this is by using a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive to store your KeePass database file. Then, you can use a KeePass-compatible app on your Android phone to access the database stored in the cloud.

      There are several KeePass-compatible apps available for Android, such as KeePass2Android or Strongbox. These apps allow you to open and manage your KeePass database on your phone, providing secure access to your passwords wherever you go.

      If you encounter any difficulties along the way, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance. Setting up a password manager can take some time and effort initially, but the added security and convenience it provides are well worth it in the long run.


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