
How to update synchronizaton file after master password update?

  • Martin Weinberg

    Martin Weinberg - 2016-10-07

    I updated my master password using KeePass 2.32. I'm using a composite key. I tried to create a new synchronization file by copying the database to the appropriate network drive.

    Any attempt to synchronize gives the "The composite key is invalid. Make sure that the two databases use the same composite master key". However, I can open the copied kdbx without any problem using the same key file.

    What am I missing here?

  • Martin Weinberg

    Martin Weinberg - 2016-10-07

    Okay, it seems that the solution is to do "Files->Save As->Save to copy" in the syncrhonization file location. Then it works.

    Can someone explain this why I need to save from within the app rather than simply copy the file? I'd like to understand this.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2016-10-07

    I am guessing you copied your working database to the synchronization location after you changed the working database's Master Key but before saving it. A database is not automatically saved when you change its Master Key.

  • Martin Weinberg

    Martin Weinberg - 2016-10-07

    Hm, I explicitly saved the kdbx and checked the mod date to make sure, before copying. And I exited and restarted keepass2 to make sure.

    But to your point: I tried to replicate the error by copying the kdbx to the synchronization file and confirmed that it worked. So, maybe I did end up with an old copy on my first attempt . . . thanks.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2016-10-07

    As an aside. I recommend the precautionary steps of making a copy of the original database (if you don't have backups) before changing the Master Key, and imediately after changing it, saving closing and reopening a database before taking any other action. It is easier to recover if you recognize a problem as soon as it occurs.

    • Martin Weinberg

      Martin Weinberg - 2016-10-07

      An excellent bit of advice!

      [I did that before changing the master password . . .]


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