
chromeIPass / KeePass / KeePassHTTP - strict URL matching

  • kf06925

    kf06925 - 2014-10-01

    I'm using chromeIPass together with KeePass 2.27
    chromeIPass Version:2.6.7
    KeePassHttp Version:

    In that configuration, I'm trying to configure a Password, which only gets entered on the 1st page of a 2 stage banking login site. The 1st page URL is When calling this URL, I need to confirm access for KeePassHttp. Unfortunately, it only asks for the domain (""). Therefore, I tried changing the access rights in KeePass HTTP settings to just allow the specific URL. However, the setting is inored and I get asked for granting access to the domain again.

    Group: KeePassHttp Passwords, Title: TSB, User Name: xxxxxx, Password: *, URL:, KeePassHttp Settings: {"Allow":[""],"Deny":[""]}, KPRPC JSON: *, Creation Time: 01/10/2014 10:35:26, Last Modification Time: 01/10/2014 11:57:08

    In the end this then looks like
    Group: KeePassHttp Passwords, Title: TSB, User Name: xxxxxx, Password: *, URL:, KeePassHttp Settings: {"Allow":["",""],"Deny":[""]}, KPRPC JSON: *, Creation Time: 01/10/2014 10:35:26, Last Modification Time: 01/10/2014 12:02:30

    Therefore, I tried changing KPRPC JSON instead to


    hoping that "blockHostnameOnlyMatch":false would enforce full URL matching. I also enabled Require more accurate URL matching in the KeeFox tab, but it didn't help either. My next idea was to create a blocking item just for the 2nd page, but there the same URL matching issue exists - the item also seems to match the 1st page ;(

    Now I'm unsure if there is a way I missed to achieve the strict matching I need.

  • Horst

    Horst - 2014-10-01

    I stopped using ChromeIPass and KeePassHTTP.
    Found that its much easier to use and configure the WebAutotype plugin
    which works for me in Chrome and Firefox.

  • Luckyrat

    Luckyrat - 2014-10-14

    @wellread1 is correct but you might find it useful to know that "KPRPC JSON" is nothing to do with ChromeIPass; it's used for KeeFox (via the KeePassRPC plugin). If you need help with KeeFox you can find it here:


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