
Where KeePass stores option settings?

  • FFS_User

    FFS_User - 2019-02-02

    I have KeePass options and settings configured where I want, now need to back them up. However being new to KeePass I don't know (or else forgot) where these settings are stored, Is it in the registry or in a file or both?

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2019-02-02

    The KeePass configuration file is the keepass.config.xml file. The date modified of the active config file will update each time KeePass exits. The installer variant of KeePass 2.x stores this file in %APPDATA%\KeePass by default.

    Addition information about the KeePass configuration can be found in the KeePass Configuration documentation.

  • FFS_User

    FFS_User - 2019-02-03

    Thank you! Ah yes I read the link, so apparently the install defaults to local user storage to separate different user's config. And the program files path KeePass.config.xml file it has a true in,
    so it accesses (and/or stores in) the local user path KeePass.config.xml

    And looking in the local path KeePass.config.xml I see all my current settings. So apparently the local path file would be the one I want to backup. (edit took out line separation since it caused text to go large)

    Also apparently the global settings (for all users) are stored in the Program Files location.
    However in my KeePass install (ver 2.4) I see these files in the program files path location,

    But I don't see a KeePass.config.enforced.xml file at all. In my version did the KeePass.exe.config file replace the KeePass.config.enforced.xml?

    Additionally I noticed the KeePass.exe.config did not have the same type data in it that the help link KeePass.config.enforced.xml showed.

    Rather it's more related to,

    <?xml version . . deleted out . .>
    <startup deleted="" out="" startup="" <="" .="">
    <assemblybinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
    . . deleted out . .
    <enforcefipspolicy enabled="false">
    <loadfromremotesources enabled="true">
    <add value="true" key="EnableWindowsFormsHighDpiAutoResizing">


    Last edit: FFS_User 2019-02-03
  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2019-02-03

    By default, the installer variant installs the KeePass executable into a protected application folder in the appropriate Windows program files directory. KeePass cannot update files in the protected application folders. KeePass saves user options in keepass.config.xml located in the user's private configuration folder%APPDATA%\KeePass. This is the only configuration file that you need to back up if you wish to backup user options.

    The keepass.config.xml file located in the protected application directory tells KeePass to use the configuration file in the user's private configuration folder. KeePass.exe.config is not a user config file. You don't need to back these up.

    • FFS_User

      FFS_User - 2019-02-03

      Thank you, I feel assured with those verifications of what I need to backup. I apologize for ambiguities of my post but I surmise that the file KeePass.config.enforced.xml is a mute issue since I don't have one.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2019-02-04

    Read the Backup Wiki to be sure you have everything you need.

    cheers, Paul


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