
Possible to quickly see what has been modified since last save?

  • citizen_snips

    citizen_snips - 2017-12-16

    Is it possible to quickly see what all has been modified since the last save?

    I tried to close KeePass and received the prompt asking me if I wanted to save changes that had been made. I didn't remember modifiying anything, but there was a * next to the open database name on the title bar, so something must have changed, possibly due to accidental keypress.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2017-12-16

    Some minor changes that don't affect entry data, e.g. changing the unsorted order of entries or groups, or making changes to group properties, etc., will register as a change that requires saving.

    One of the best ways to avoid inadvertent entry edits is to avoid opening the edit dialog if editing is not required. Most ordinary tasks e.g. copy and paste, drag and drop, auto-type etc. can be accomplished from the main window, without opening the edit dialog.

    If you need to see which entries have been modified since the last save:

    1. Note the Date modified on the database file.
    2. Display the Last Modification column: View>Configure Columns...>Standard Fields(section) check Last Modification Time
    3. Turn off Entry Grouping: View>Grouping in Entry List>Off
    4. Show All Entries: Edit>Show Entries>All
    5. Sort the Last Modification Time column descending (click on the column header)

    Entries with a Last Modification Time more recent than the database file's Date modified time have been edited since the last save.


    Last edit: wellread1 2017-12-16

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