
[PLUGIN]WebAutoType - Use URLs for AutoType with web browsers

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  • Horst

    Horst - 2014-06-23

    It looks like this version breaks the Check for updates feature.
    It never comes to an end.
    The SourceForge Update Checker is installed and the checks worked with the previous version.
    KeePass itself is at version 2.26

    • AlexVallat

      AlexVallat - 2014-06-23

      Hmm, that's a weird one. I can reproduce it, but only when I don't have a web debugger running! Must be something to do with proxies.

      Anyway, I think I have a fix for it, could you try downloading the v0.2 of the SourceForge Update Checker which should hopefully resolve the issue.

      • Horst

        Horst - 2014-06-24

        Thanks, with the new version of the Update Checker it works again.

  • Haxus

    Haxus - 2014-06-23

    3.5 appears to break URL recognition completely for me.

    Switched back to 3.4 and URL recognition is working again. I've tried switching back to 3.5 a couple times with no luck.

    I'm currently on Chrome 35.0.1916.153, Keepass 2.26, and Windows 8.

    • AlexVallat

      AlexVallat - 2014-06-24

      Sorry about that, it seems this combination has fallen through the gaps. Please try updating to v3.6 and let me know if that's working for you again?

      The automatic accessibility enabling fix from Google hasn't made it into that version of Chrome, though, I'm afraid.

      • Haxus

        Haxus - 2014-06-24

        I've only tested a minute or two now, but it seems to be working again. I'll let you know if I notice any other issues.

        Thanks Alex!

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-08-06
    WebAutoType v3.7 Released

    It has been pointed out that the UI modifications to the Edit Auto-Type Item dialog do not scale properly under high DPI settings. What hasn't been pointed out, though perhaps should have been, is that even under normal scaling, it's a pretty poor bit of UI - ugly and unintuitive. So, time to fix that up, I think:

    WebAutoType Edit Auto-Type Item dialog modifications

    This should also work fine under high DPI settings.

    I've had to put in some truly nasty hacks to stop the KeeResize plugin from wrecking it, so if you are reporting any strange layout issues with it, please let me know if you also have KeeResize installed.

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2014-08-07

    You might want to add a horizontal line to that dialog, or to do something else to make it clearer that there are two sets of two radio buttons there, rather than one set of four (which is what I thought until I read the screenshot more carefully).

    • AlexVallat

      AlexVallat - 2014-08-07

      Fair point. Ideally I'd like to have two group boxes, one for each set of controls, but that would be a real problem to do and maintain KeeResize compatibility. A straight horizontal line without moving anything else would be possible, but I'm not sure that gives the right effect when considered with the horizontal line at the bottom too. Maybe if it wasn't a full-width horizontal line... although that's pretty unusual.

      I'll have a play around and see if anything looks better enough to be worth changing. Or if you have any other ideas which don't involve repositioning any of the existing controls relative to each other, let me know!

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2014-08-08

    Maybe if it wasn't a full-width horizontal line...

    • That
    • was my

    • original
    • thought...

    although that's pretty unusual.

    I don't think it is; in fact, a full-width line in the middle of a dialog seems more unusual to me.

  • TimK

    TimK - 2014-11-24

    Help please ... trying to install the plugin on a new machine and I get this error:

    KeePass 2.28, WebAutoType 3.7 on Win 8.1 x64

    I'm using the exact same setup on a different machine and it works fine. Any ideas please?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-11-24

    I see the same issue on my W8.1 box. Is your other box W8.1?

    cheers, Paul

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-11-24

    My best guess would be that you don't have .NET 3.5 installed. KeePass is happy with either CLR2 (.NET 2 through to 3.5) or CLR4 (.NET 4 to 4.5), but for irritating technical reasons I can't make WebAutoType compatible with both simultaneously.

    If you use the Windows Features control panel and enable .NET 3.5 it should work fine.


  • TimK

    TimK - 2014-12-05

    That was it, thank you. Any way to improve the error message to be more meaningful?

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-12-06

    Not from my end, it occurs before any of my code could run. The only thing I could do would be to have an installer, rather than just providing the plgx directly. That's not customary for plugins, though, and would also make things more difficult for people using KeePass portably rather than installed.

    KeePass itself could add support for a plgx declaring itself require a specific CLR (in the same way as it can declare a specific version of KeePass) and thereby produce a more helpful message. Or, even better, it could add support for conditionals when compiling plgx's so that I could support both CLRs at once!

  • TimK

    TimK - 2014-12-07

    Thank you.
    Another question: is there a way to improve Basic or Digest authentication? The browser window title typically displays "Password Required" for all sites and of course there's no URL in the auth window. I was wondering whether WAT could detect this case and look at the parent window for the URL. Not sure whether possible at all.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-12-07

    You need the AutoTypeSearch plug-in.

    cheers, Paul

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-12-07

    is there a way to improve Basic or Digest authentication?

    I did look into this, as although it's much less common these days, it does still come up. Unfortunately, browsers do not provide the necessary information: there's nothing other than the descriptive text in the auth popup, which contains only the server name, and not the rest of the URL. Even extracting that is not very nice, I guess I could search for "http://" or "https://" somewhere within the text then assume that from there to a space was the server, but it's a bit of a hack.

    Given that even then, the whole URL isn't available (and I, for one, usually only want my logins to match against an explicit login page rather than the whole site) I didn't think it was worth it.

    As Paul mentions, scenarios like these were one of my motivations in writing AutoTypeSearch.

    Of course, if browsers ever do start making the full URL available during Auth, I will modify WebAutoType to read it.

  • max13fr

    max13fr - 2014-12-14


    Thanks you very much for this great plugin :).

    I just have one issue : it doesn't work with basic authentication http popup. Could you fix that ?

    Thanks in advance,

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-12-14

    There is not much you can do about basic auth pop ups because they provide very little information. If the prompt has a title you can add a new Auto-Type for your KeePass entry with a Target Window of the title, otherwise you have to bring KeePass up, right click on the entry you require and select "Perform Auto-Type".

    cheers, Paul

  • TimK

    TimK - 2014-12-18

    Paul - thanks for pointing out AutoTypeSearch. Very useful indeed.
    Alex - thanks for writing great plugins for KeePass. Keep up the good work!

    And of course, I went looking for more plugins by Alex and found AutoTypeShow - what is the use case for this one? Just another look to prevent typing the wrong credentials on the wrong site?


    Last edit: TimK 2014-12-18
    • AlexVallat

      AlexVallat - 2014-12-18

      AutoTypeShow is useful in a couple of situations. Firstly, as a placeholder, where you have an entry that might not be fully auto-typeable (usually due to odd things banks do to pretend to increase security). That way KeePass auto-types what it can, then shows you the entry so you can see the info you need to do the rest manually.

      The second situation is to set up a secondary hot-key to use it. That way, when you have to change your password for a site, you can hit your secondary hot-key to bring up the entry you will need to edit.

      Just a couple of minor conveniences, really, but I found them useful.

      Thanks for the vote of confidence in my plugins, by the way!

  • Oliver Gramberg

    Oliver Gramberg - 2015-03-21

    If two KeePass entries match by title, then KeePass shows the "Auto-Type Entry Selection" popup even if the URLs make it clear which entry applies. Is this as designed? I can tell that WebAutoType works in general, I change the titles of the entries to not match the window title and it logs me on.


  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-03-21

    KeePass is designed to show multiple entries that match. I assume WebAutoType is designed to mimic this behaviour where there is no clear distinction.

    cheers, Paul

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2015-03-22

    Yes, WebAutoType does not prevent an entry from matching simply because its URL does not also match. So if you have an entry that matches by title, that will be one of the options presented in the selection popup.

    If you use URLs exclusively (as I do), you can go to KeePass Options, Advanced, and uncheck all the "An entry matches if..." checkboxes under Auto-Type. Then they will only match by URL and not by title. You can still add a specific custom Auto-Type sequence to a specific entry to match by title for that entry only.

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