
New enhanced XML key file format

  • Eddict

    Eddict - 2021-02-12

    just wondering, is it worth/advised to replace the current XML key with the new 2.0 format?

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2021-02-12

    The keyx format is an incremental improvement. As such it is not a bad idea to upgrade to this format if it is convenient to do so. However, if you use a third-party application to read KeePass databases, you should check that the application supports the new format before you upgrade.

    IMPORTANT Back up your KeePass database and do not discard your old key file until you have verified that you have successfully changed your database master key. Also, backup your new key file and regularly back up your KeePass database. See the KeePass backup wiki for more information about back up.

    • Eddict

      Eddict - 2021-02-20

      ok thought so. thanks!


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