
Automatically generated usernames for new entries

  • James Smith

    James Smith - 2016-02-28

    Instead of having the username field always blank for the new entries,
    allow users to define their own rules for the automatically generated usernames for new entries.

    • Richard Haven

      Richard Haven - 2016-03-02

      I would prefer KeePass to remember user names and offer them in a drop-down for reuse.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2016-02-28

    You can define a default username for each database in 'File>Database Settings...>General(tab)'. If you want more granular control, define templates that contain a specific usernames.

  • James Smith

    James Smith - 2016-02-29

    I am talking about the option to have usernames automatically generated for new entries, just like passwords are. For example, usernames generated according to this rule:
    The above rule will generate 9 char alphanumeric usernames that begin with a letter.


    Last edit: James Smith 2016-02-29
  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2016-02-29

    Right, there is no option for that.

    I doubt there is much demand for that feature because usernames are identifiers. Creating a multitude of aliases will complicate account management without consequent security benefits. If you want to increase security, use stronger passwords.

  • James Smith

    James Smith - 2016-02-29

    You're not saying it's a good habit to have same username everywhere, are you?

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2016-02-29

    One or a few is fine. Many is unnecessary, and will complicate account management.

  • James Smith

    James Smith - 2016-02-29

    Obviously, security is not one of your strong points.
    Anyway, I don't care. I already use password profiles to generate usernames.
    "One or a few is fine" - your ignorance is overpowering.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-02-29

    You won't get a lot of help with personal insults, please be nicer.

    cheers, Paul

  • Trisquel Whare

    Trisquel Whare - 2018-05-14

    I am looking for an answer to a similar question as James was here. I'm all in favour of unique usernames. Currently my procedure is to create a new temporary entry in my Keepass database and generate a new password (as %randomstring%) using the pattern I want, then I copy that password and cancel the entry creation. The %randomstring% password which I copied earlier to my clipboard becomes part of an email alias, in the format giving a unique, randomised email alias, which then gets used as the username for my new entry in Keepass.

    If anyone can tell me how to automate this process, generating the whole email alias within Keepass (sure, I'd still need to register the new alias with my email server), that would be really helpful. I think it has something to do with the {NEWPASSWORD:/Profile/} placeholder, but I don't want that to affect the actual password field, just the username field. I will do a separate {NEWPASSWORD:/Profile/} for the actual password after creating the username. I guess what I'm asking for here is for there to be a similar {NEWUSERNAME:/Profile/} placeholder in Keepass, or the ability to use {NEWUSERNAME:/Profile/} without actually changing the password field of the entry. Is this possible?

    If it helps at all, I'm currently using Keepass v2.38 running on Trisquel GNU/Linux, with no plugins installed. I've been using Keepass for many years, but I haven't done much with automating it. This is the first time that I have tried using placeholders in this way.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2018-05-14

    Have KeePass generate a random password that is n characters longer than you need, then cut the first (or last) n characters from the password and use them in the username.

    A more automated featured is not likely to be implemented in KeePass.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-05-15

    You could vote for this Feature Request.

    cheers, Paul


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