
importing AccessManage2 *.csv into keepass 2.36

  • NDXsW

    NDXsW - 2017-08-23

    been using accessmanger 2.2.65 for a few years. as others have posted in this forum, no AM2 updates in quite some time. now wanting to use keepass.

    i see a 2007 thread here from another user with same issue, wanting to import AM2 data into keepass. Paul, wrote a vbs script to help with that.

    since its 2017 now, is there a plugin or updated script to facilitate the import from AM2 to keepas 2.36 to lessen too much manual cleanup?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-08-23

    No, but if you can export the data to a spreadsheet / CSV you can use the CSV to XML converter to import custom fields and groups.

    cheers, Paul

    • NDXsW

      NDXsW - 2017-08-23

      looks like just what i need. thanks Paul, appreciate the help!


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