
[PLUGIN]AutoTypeSearch - Quickly search for entries to auto-type

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  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-12-07

    Global auto-type is one of the best features of KeePass, but sometimes, it isn't quite enough. It might be a login window with no useful identifying title, or an entry that you might want to auto-type into any window, and it just isn't possible to have global auto-type get it right.

    This plugin was designed to pick up where global auto-type leaves off. If you perform a global auto-type and nothing matches, then a quick search window will pop up which does an as-you-type search through your database. Once you've narrowed down the entry you want, hit Enter and it will be auto-typed for you. Alternatively, hit Shift+Enter to open the entry.

    Quick Search Window


    Project page (source code, bug reports, donations):


    If you want to use the KeePass Check for Updates function to check for updates to this plugin then it requires the SourceForgeUpdateChecker plugin to be installed too:


    Last edit: AlexVallat 2014-12-07
  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-12-07

    A couple of notes: this initial release is not tested under Linux/Mono or High DPI settings. It probably does not play well with either. This is something I will address in future releases, if there's sufficient interest in the plugin.

    I have put special effort into optimising performance for responsiveness and speed, but I suspect my database is not large enough to really stress it. So, if anyone has a really large database to try this with, please let me know how it performs for you.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-12-07

    Nice plugin, thanks!

    I've added it to the plugins page:

    Best regards,

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-12-07

    A couple of observations, or three...

    1. The search screen is a bit uninformative and if you haven't seen it before / in a while it is not immediately obvious what it is. Maybe add a notification sound, optional, on by default, and some text along the lines of "No entry found that matches the current window, start typing to search KeePass and press Enter to Auto-Type the selected entry".
    2. Add a context menu: Auto-Type default, Auto-Type Username only, Auto-Type Password only, etc.
    3. It loads on my .NET 4.5 machine. Does that mean it won't on a .NET 3 machine?

    cheers, Paul

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-12-07

    Thanks for your comments, Paul. I do have a bit of text that suggests you start typing, and I didn't want to be too much more specific as depending on how you've configured it, it might not have appeared as a result of a failed auto-type, and the default action you chose for Enter might not be to auto-type the selected entry! I agree that if you weren't expecting it, it's not totally obvious what the window is for, though. I'll have a think if there's a good way to try and make things more obvious, without making the window bigger or too much more cluttered.

    For your second point, I'm not sure that this plugin should get involved in providing custom auto-types (username only, password only) - I think knowing that it will have the same effect as selecting the entry in the main window and hitting Auto-Type is preferable. If you need to do more than just perform the default auto-type, then you are probably better off using Shift+Enter to show the entry instead, and working from there. If you have KPEnhancedEntryView installed, I'd recommend setting it to "Show entry in main window" rather than opening it, then you can drag and drop fields to wherever they need to go.

    This plugin should work fine under both .Net 3 and .Net 4.5. (WebAutoType doesn't because it uses UIA, which changed structure between CLR2 and CLR4. This plugin doesn't use UIA, or any other references which changed).

  • YooSH

    YooSH - 2014-12-11

    This is a good idea. I don't know if I have a large database. I do have 220+ active entries. I get really busy this time of year. But I'll try to test it out within the next few days.

    @Paul: While a sound might be helpful on my computer at home, it would be useless for my work computer. It doesn't have a sound card. I can't be the only one. (No really. SOMEBODY out there also has a work computer without a sound card, right?) Perhaps simply including the word "auto-type" somewhere in the new window would suffice?

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-12-13
    AutoTypeSearch v0.2 Released

    This version adds the promised support for Linux/Mono, and High DPI settings. It should work fine with both now. I've also added an info banner that appears just above the search box, if the search was initiated due to an unsuccessful global auto-type. It informs you that global auto-type was unable to match the window, and the title of the window it was trying to match.

  • Horst

    Horst - 2014-12-13

    For me the web page still only shows version v0.1 for download.
    Also the update checker says the same !

    • AlexVallat

      AlexVallat - 2014-12-13

      That's odd. I've just checked, and Sourceforge is listing it as "This file will be ready for download shortly." so I'm not sure what's going on there. If it doesn't resolve itself automatically in the next few hours, I'll investigate further.



      Confirmed, it's a sourceforge issue, not a problem with this project in particular. Sorry that the announcement is premature, but hopefully once they've resolved their issues it should become available to download.

      --Edit 2--

      Sourceforge have sorted this out, and it should now be available for download normally.


      Last edit: AlexVallat 2014-12-14
  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-12-14

    That's easier if you weren't expecting the search to pop up - apart from the capitalization of "Global auto-type". ;)

    cheers, Paul

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-12-14

    Thanks, Paul - but what do you think is wrong with the capitalisation? I just followed what KeePass uses (on the Options/Integration tab)...

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-12-15

    It seems Dominik is not consistent in his use of capitalization for Auto-Type, so you can use anything you like.

    cheers, Paul

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2014-12-19
    AutoTypeSearch v0.3 Released

    This version adds prioritisation for search results where the match is found at the start of the field, with additional priority for the title field. So the top result would be where the title starts with what you are typing, followed by any other field (subject to your matching options) starting with what you are typing, followed by other results in the order they are found.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-04-09

    Great Plugin. Additionaly to Version 0.4 i have installed the SourceForgeUpdateChecker Plugin. But the SourceForgeUpdateChecker seems not to work. If i go to KeePass > Check for Updates > It checks KeePass but for the Plugins it seems, it couldnt find a "Version Information File". Any Ideas?

    Maybe, since KeePass itself was checked fine, it would be a good idea to use the Versionchecker from KeePass itself. I dont know, if this is possible.

    Additionaly, it would be cool, if there could be a way for a language File.

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2015-04-09

    Thank you. If you have installed both this plugin and KPSourceForgeUpdateChecker then it should be able to check for updates. If it is not doing so, could you let me know the exact error message, or a screenshot? It would also be useful to know if you have any other plugins installed, and whether they successfully check version numbers or not.

    I apologise that there is no internationalisation for this plugin. It wasn't a priority for me, and I'm not sure how it could work with the plugin system in practice.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-04-09

    I have retested KPSourceForgeUpdateChecker at home. Here it works. Maybe the Problem on the other Computer is the Proxy i must use there. KeePass itself could use the Internet for checking. It could also Sync to WebDAV since the last 2.29 Testversion from Dominik from March (there was a Link here in the Forum).

    Is it possible to use the same Proxy Setting for the KPSourceForgeUpdateChecker?

    Translation isn't really a Problem, but nice to have. I could do the German Translation Pattern if you want.

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2015-04-10

    Ah, yes, that's bound to be the problem. I'll add support for the KeePass proxy settings to KPSourceForgeUpdateChecker.

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2015-04-10

    KPSourceForgeUpdateChecker has now been updated to v0.3, and fixes the bug when KeePass Proxy settings were enabled.

  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2015-04-11
    AutoTypeSearch v0.5 Released

    This version adds support for searching over multiple open (unlocked) databases, and for KeePass 2.29 high resolution custom icons.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-04-11

    Wow your fast!. I will try it on monday.

  • Leszek

    Leszek - 2015-04-12


    I see cosmetic problem i Options. If I make this window bigger Options is splited into 2 parts and bottom is always a bit hidden. See attached screen shots.


  • Leszek

    Leszek - 2015-04-12


    for me the best hot kay for this plugin is CTRL+ALt+S . In my language we use Alt GR+ some characters for our local polish characters. If i Use Alt Gr+S this plugin is activated but it is not hot kay I defined (CTRL+ALt+S). Can you block Alt Gr + character.


  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2015-04-13

    That's weird, about the resizing, I don't see that effect at all.

    I'm afraid it is not possible to do anything about the AltGr key, shortcut keys are managed by Windows and Windows treats AltGr as being the same as Ctrl+Alt.

  • Leszek

    Leszek - 2015-04-13


    you can see it with KeeResize plugin full version if you resize Options window.

    It is a pitty with AltGr but thank you for explanation.


  • bTb3Gc7hFpxjs

    bTb3Gc7hFpxjs - 2015-04-13

    Very nice plugin, thanks AlexVallat.

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