
Batch Editing Entries

  • hippochips

    hippochips - 2016-09-29

    I would like to edit options of multiple entries at one time. For example, I don't 'see a way to turn on two-channel auto-type obfuscation for multiple entries at once. Am I missing something? If not, I think this would be a good feature.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-09-29

    There are a couple of ways.
    Tools > Database Tools > XML Replace will allow you to change almost anything.
    KPFieldsAdminConsole will allow you to change fields in multiple entries.

    cheers, Paul

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2016-09-29

    You can't change options/properites (e.g. TCATO) of multiple entries via the GUI. You can change string data of multiple entries using the KPEnhancedEntry plugin.

    It is possible to change the TCATO setting via the expert feature XML Replace in 'Tools>Database Tools>XML Replace...' . While I am not an expert, I believe the following XML Replace will turn TCATO ON for every entry in your database. A screenshot of the the XML Replace dialog is also attached.

    Parameter Value
    Select nodes: //Entry/AutoType/DataTransferObfuscation
    Action: Replace data
    Data: Inner text
    Replace with: 1
    Regular expressions: Activated

    Important: Always backup your database before running XML Replace.


    Last edit: wellread1 2016-09-29
    • Fritzi Bumblo

      Fritzi Bumblo - 2022-05-06

      wellread1, thank you so much. Worked like a charm! :)

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2022-05-06

    Bulk editing of selected entries. e.g. editing the TCATO property of selected entries, is available on current versions of KeePass. Select the entries to edit and press Enter. To select all entries use Find>All then select everything (Ctrl+A).


    Last edit: wellread1 2022-05-06

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