
Kee icon disappeared

  • Wilfried Kern

    Wilfried Kern - 2018-09-05

    I'm using KeePass 2.39.1 on Window 10 and the latest Kee plugin for Firefox 61.0.2 (64 Bit). Until some days ago I had a Kee icon on the upper left corner on Firefox. Suddenly this disappeard and I had not been able to correct that. All other functions seem to be o.k.

    What can I do to get this icon back?

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2018-09-05

    Issues with Kee are best addressed on the Kee forum.

  • ReadyPlayerOne

    ReadyPlayerOne - 2018-09-06

    Icons dissppearing when they were there before is a O/S issue that causes this problem.


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