
eBay Login Problems

  • Wilfried Kern

    Wilfried Kern - 2021-09-06

    Autologin on eBay with Firefox worked form me for a long time. Since some month – I believe after eBay modified the login screen – autologin works only partially. The user name on the login screen is set correctly, after selecting ‘Continue’ and pressing ‘Enter’ a new windows opens with a blank password field. Clicking ‘Sign In’ does not trigger any action. Now I can enter 3 fake characters and hit ‘Sing In’ which produces an error (sure). After that, the password field is filled in correctly and logging in is o.k.
    What’s wrong?

    • Bruce

      Bruce - 2021-09-11

      Does this new window have the password field focused? If not you may have to put some more {TAB}'s in your autologin sequence or something.

      edit: wellread1s post about using an enter instead of a tab after the username is a good idea too, in fact that's how I do it.


      Last edit: Bruce 2021-09-11
  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2021-09-06

    How do you initiate "Autologin"?

  • Wilfried Kern

    Wilfried Kern - 2021-09-07

    I tried both entries in ‘Auto-Type’:

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2021-09-07

    The first sequence doesn't give the second page enough time to load.
    The second sequence tabs to the 'Sign In' ' Continue' button. It doesn't load the second page until the final {ENTER} keystroke is sent. Try {USERNAME}{ENTER}{DELAY 1000}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}.

    Tip: To debug or develop an auto-type sequence, manually log in to the website using the keyboard only. The needed auto-type sequence should send the same keypresses that you use to manually log in.


    Last edit: wellread1 2021-09-07
  • Wilfried Kern

    Wilfried Kern - 2021-09-08

    Thank you, but this sequence doesn't change anything and I believe I tested it before.

    I don't know what you really mean in your tip. To modify the auto-type sequence I open the Keepass window, select the eBay entry, hit the Auto-Type button and select "Override default sequence".

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2021-09-08

    this sequence doesn't change anything and I believe I tested it before.

    Test it again. The sequence I posted works for me.

    • If it takes longer to switch to the password page, you may need to increase the delay to more than 1 second.
    • It is possible to send the wrong keystroke sequence. Verify the keystroke sequence you edited is the keystroke sequence sent. One way to do this is to add {BEEP 440 1000} to the beginning or end of the keystroke sequence. Your computer will beep (the note A) when sending a keystroke sequence containing this placeholder.

    The tip describes a method to find the keypresses that KeePass auto-type must send to log in to a webpage. I have rephrased to improve clarity:

    1. Manually log in to the website using the keyboard only (no mouse). Write down the exact keypresses that you used.
    2. Edit the auto-type keystroke sequence to send the keypresses that you used to log in manually.
    3. Before you initiate auto-type, place the cursor in the same field on the login page as it was when you manually logged in.
    4. Initiate auto-type by pressing the global auto-type hotkey (default hotkey Ctrl+Alt+A), or use perform auto-type while the correct entry is selected.
  • Wilfried Kern

    Wilfried Kern - 2021-09-09

    No success at all, I even cannot generate a beep.

    I give up.

    Thank you very much for all your help.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2021-09-09

    The observation that the BEEP is not played suggests you are not initiating auto-type correctly or that KeePass target window matching is not working. Since eBay is a slightly complicated login, I recommend you first test auto-type on the KeePass Test Form page. This page emulates a simple one-page sign-in page (see below).

    First, review the Context Menu: 'Perform Auto-Type' Command section and the Global Auto-Type Hot Key section of the KeePass Auto-Type documentation. Do you use either of these methods to invoke Auto-Type? If not, describe how you initiate/invoke "autologin".

    Second, try auto-type on the KeePass Test Form.

    • There may already be a built-in sample entry called 'Sample Entry #2'. Click on the URL in this entry to open the KeePass Test Form. Make sure that the cursor is in the username field then press the global auto-type hotkey (default hotkey is Ctrl+Alt+A). KeePass should auto-type the entry's username and password into the form. Perform Auto-Type should also work. If the global auto-type hotkey does not work check Tools>Options...>Integration(tab). Check that the system-wide Global auto-type hotkey is configured.

    • If there is not a 'Sample Entry #2', create an entry titled Test Form (exactly as shown, no extra spaces) and set Override default sequence to {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}. Save the entry. Make sure the An entry matches if its title is contained in the target window title is checked in Tools>Options...>Advanced(tab)>Auto-Type(section). Navigate to KeePass Test Form. Make sure that the cursor is in the username field, then press the global auto-type hotkey (default hotkey is Ctrl+Alt+A). KeePass should auto-type the entry's username and password into the form. Perform Auto-Type should also work. If the global auto-type hotkey does not work check Tools>Options...>Integration(tab). Check that the system-wide Global auto-type hotkey is configured.

      I have attached screenshots of a properly configured Test Form entry.


    Last edit: wellread1 2021-09-09
  • Wilfried Kern

    Wilfried Kern - 2021-09-11

    Hi wellread1,

    you never give up?😁

    I’ve to apologize. Autotype is generating beeps in ‘normal’ forms, but not in my eBay login window.

    There are a few strange things:. I open the eBay login page in Firefox. The username is shown correctly. After selecting the ‘Continue’ tab (on my German presentation named ‘Weiter’) and hitting Return, the window changes and the password field is displayed. I now can select this field and press the ‘global auto-type – password only’ keys. A window pops up (title: Auto-Type Entry Selection) where as sequence-entry ‘{PASSWORD}’ is shown. I have to select this entry and hit enter. Then the correct password is entered. I have to select a new tab “Sign in” and press Enter – and finally I’m logged in.

    Next odd thing: Even if I deselect “Enable auto-type for this entry” in the Auto-Type Tab, the user name field is filled in automatically when the login window opens.

    This is a weird process and I cannot find out, why eBay makes such problems.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2021-09-12

    The sequence wellread posted above will enter the password for you as long as it takes less than 1 second to load the password screen. To add more time increase the "1000" to "2000".

    If the username is already populated it may be a stored cookie via the "stay signed in" box, or, more likely, your browser is remembering some sign in data.

    cheers, Paul

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2021-09-12

    Next odd thing: Even if I deselect “Enable auto-type for this entry” in the Auto-Type Tab, the user name field is filled in automatically when the login window opens.

    The built-in Firefox password manager is probably enabled. Using two password managers greatly complicates password management and logins. I recommend you disable the Firefox password manager.

    In Firefox select 'Settings>Privacy and Security' and uncheck Ask to save logins and passwords for websites.

    To prevent ongoing conflicts between the KeePass and the Firefox password manager remove conflicting saved logins from the Firefox password manager. IMPORTANT confirm that you have saved up-to-date login information in KeePass for all of the accounts stored in Firefox. Backup logins saved by Firefox by exporting them. To access the 'Export Logins...' option, press the ... button next to your username in the upper right corner of the Saved Logins page.

    I now can select this field and press the ‘global auto-type – password only’ keys. A window pops up (title: Auto-Type Entry Selection) where as sequence-entry ‘{PASSWORD}’ is shown.

    Based on your description you are almost there. Target window matching is working and you have defined some auto-type sequences that match the eBay login pages and can auto-type into these pages. What remains is to refine your auto-type interaction with the eBay site. This will be easier once you disable the Firefox password manager or remove the saved eBay Login from it.


    Last edit: wellread1 2021-09-12
  • Wilfried Kern

    Wilfried Kern - 2021-11-22

    It's a miracle.

    Firefox 94.01 developed some problems in that no auto-logins were possible at all. Finally I removed FF, cleaned the PC incl. the registry and reinstalled FF and Kee.

    Now auto-login is possible into all the relevant websites, but I have to finalize all logins by pushing the Enter key.

    I really don't know why auto-login changed the behavior, but I'm happy.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2021-11-22

    This is the wrong church to report Kee miracles. 😇

    KeePass can be a backend for Kee, but it is not involved in auto-filling. You might find theKee forum or Kee troubleshooting instructions helpful.

    Kee is a browser extension developed and maintained by the KeeVault developer. Support for Kee and KeeVault is the responsibility of the Kee developer.

    Standalone KeePass will auto-type into sites. See the KeePass auto-type documentation for details.


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