
Sort by Name

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    It would be an advantage to be able to sort by name so that it would be easy to go through the list.


    • John L. Galt

      John L. Galt - 2007-08-15

      Could you be more specific as to what you mean?

    • Paul

      Paul - 2007-08-17

      Click on the title in the KeePass window.
      View | Autosort Password List.

      cheers, Paul

  • sensor66

    sensor66 - 2014-09-09

    I was having the same question, so solved.
    But then: sometimes I want to sort on another field, like Last modification.
    Would it be possible to have behaviour like this:
    If Auto-sort is on, it is still possible to click a header and sort on that. This disables Auto-sort. Then a click on the Auto-sort button re-enables Auto-sort.


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