
KeePass Missing Item Preview Function

  • O61803398874

    O61803398874 - 2014-02-04

    Why doesn't KeePass application include a useful function like Outlook 2010 does by displaying the CONTENTS of the item below as a preview? In this manner the KeePass user won't need to EDIT the item each time in order to read the notes and all the content they entered into that item you see.

    KeePass right now only displays an item on one single row, making it impossible to see all the content on the item. Therefore I hope the KeePass user will support me to ADD-IN or inserting the missing code to provide us all this very much useful feature.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-02-04

    KeePass does display an entry contents preview. Select View then select "Show Entry View".


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