
KeePass 2.49 (64-bit) auto fill in is much too fast on web site login

Falk Brier
  • Falk Brier

    Falk Brier - 2021-10-01


    since several weeks I suffer a bug, now I decided to look for support. I usually use the shortcut <Ctrl> + <V> to fill in a preselected entry from KeePass on a website login.

    But on certain sites/browsers it doesn't work proper any longer. Partial the unser name isn't entered complete or the password, before the login <button> is hit and the login fails.

    Is there a workaround to get this issue fixed.

    Thank you for your cooperation and support in advance.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2021-10-01

    Some things to try:

    • If auto-typing is too fast, add a {DELAY=200} to the beginning of the keystroke sequence. This will slow the typing at 200 ms per keystroke which about 60 words per minute or equivalent to a normal person typing quickly. This rate is noticeably slower than standard auto-type.
    • If the login webpage updates at some point during login, add a {DELAY 1500} after the keystroke that causes the webpage update (usually an {ENTER} in the middle of the keystroke sequence). This will give the webpage 1.5 seconds to update before auto-typing re-starts typing.
    • If you have checked two-channel auto-type obfuscation in the problem entry turn it off. Edit the problem entry, navigate to the Auto-Type tab and uncheck two-channel auto-type obfuscation at the bottom of the dialog.

    Reproducible auto-type issues on websites typically have specific causes. If none of these general methods work, or you don't understand how to use them, name the browser you are using and post the URL of the login page that is causing problems.

  • Falk Brier

    Falk Brier - 2021-10-02

    Hi 'wellread1',

    firstly thank you for your quick response, it's really appreciated.

    Unfortunately I don't know where to enter the {DELAY=xxx} I checked several files but to be honest I didn't find anything . One more problem, I run a German version of KeePass so it's hard for me to find the appropriate name for two-channel auto-type obfuscation.

    I will give you three examples of different browsers and websites, as you suggested alternatively:

    Brave browser
    * URL 1:
    one character in the middle is missing while auto type the username

    Firefox browser
    * URL:
    working on username but <enters> too early before password is typed completely

    If you can specify the file where I should add the {DELAY=xxx} I guess, I can try this option as well.

    Have a nice weekend and again thank you for your kind support.


    Last edit: Falk Brier 2021-10-02
  • Paul

    Paul - 2021-10-02

    Open KeePass
    Edit the entry
    Select the Auto-Type tab
    Select "Override default sequence"
    Select Edit
    Add the delay at the beginning on the sequence.

    Edit the entry
    Select the Auto-Type tab
    The item at the bottom left of the tab is TCATO.

    cheers, Paul

  • Falk Brier

    Falk Brier - 2021-10-03

    Hi Paul,

    first, thank you for the hints, they made things really less difficult for me.
    Obviously the {DELAY=xxx} option doesn't work on every website equally good. I modified the suggestion 'wellread1' made like this:


    This worked on several sites pretty well, on others it doesn't at all neither the original suggestion with {DELAY=200}before the start of the sequence neither the modification I did. I had the same issue with 'TACTO' option, some sites work only if it is activated, others doesn't if it's activated.
    By the way, my impression is, that it's not just a website issue, what I experienced is, that 'KeePass' - 'Auto-Typ' did the job too fast, so it has to be slowed down a bit.

    I wonder, that this issue appeared rather suddenly, before it occurred the keyboard combination <Ctrl> + <V> worked on all websites great.

    Anyway, I managed to configure the majority of the sites I usually log in regularly, sometimes several times a day, in a way that I wanted. It's an easement for me.
    You see, you really helped to solve an annoying issue. Thank you once again.

    I guess, I will check for an overview of more commands, so I can modify the entries, that doesn't work with the ones, I already tried.


    Last edit: Falk Brier 2021-10-03
  • Paul

    Paul - 2021-10-04

    "DELAY=" sets the delay for all characters. You shouldn't need to use more than one value.
    I almost never use DELAY to log in. 95% of sites just work with the standard speed. Sites that don't have unusual javascript controls on the login page.

    TCATO is a kludge for use on a system that you don't really trust. You should use 2FA instead.

    cheers, Paul

  • Falk Brier

    Falk Brier - 2021-10-04

    Thank you once again for your input. I have to use the modifications I displayed above, because otherwise it won't work with just one {DELAY=xxx]entry.
    2FA is the next step after I logged in successfully. I do use 2FA wherever it is possible. Nevertheless thank you for you help.
    I experienced 2 site logins, on which I do have to use <TACTO> in addition to {DELAY=xxx], otherwise the Auto-Type failed.

    I am satisfied the way it works now, because I don't have to enter username and password separate any more.

    Do you know a 'command' reference to edit the entries?

    Bye for now, Falk

  • Paul

    Paul - 2021-10-04

    TCATO is not a substitute for DELAY. If you have to use TCATO to get around a delay issue then the problem is elsewhere.

    There is no reference because the built-in help and website has everything you need.

    cheers, Paul

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2021-10-04

    FWIW, one thing that may not have been made clear here is that there is a difference between {DELAY 1000} and {DELAY=1000}; the first inserts a single delay, the second sets a default delay after every character.


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