
Ossue logigng in on Android but fine in Windows

  • boardtc

    boardtc - 2024-02-06

    Today it's no letting me log in on my android. On my laptop I am logged into Keypass XC 2.7.6 I generated a new keyfile and saved it to google drive. I redownloaded the main kdbx and new .keyx on my phone. I now get an error invalid composite key on my phone.

    Any ideas? I am nervous to change the password in Windows as I don't want to get locked out!!

  • boardtc

    boardtc - 2024-02-06

    (apologies no option to edit title to fix my typos)

  • steelej

    steelej - 2024-02-06

    This group is for the original KeePass program and not KeePass XC or an Android port which are compatible but different compatible programs.

    You should however note that having a keyfile stored on your phone adds nothing to your security. A key file should be on separate media, which can be plugged in when required, to provide any significant additional security - "Something you have!". This is tricky with a phone!

    • boardtc

      boardtc - 2024-02-07

      Thanks but on I don't use it that way on windows either, I keep the key in the cloud.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2024-02-06

    Make a backup. See the Backup Wiki.
    Now you can test if required.

    Make a test database with a simple password only.
    Copy it to your phone and try to open it.
    If that is OK then the key file is probably not being copied correctly or you are trying to open the wrong database.

    And don't use a key file on your phone, stick to a password - it doesn't have to be too strong as your phone should also have a password / pin / face id.

    cheers, Paul

    • boardtc

      boardtc - 2024-02-07

      Thanks, good idea with backup. Ok, I will stop using key file, I don't see a way to keep using it in windows, it's use it or not at all afaik. Back opening on my phone now, thanks!!


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