
KeyPass 2.50 64-bit dont work

  • webcarle

    webcarle - 2022-04-04

    I use keypass 2.50 64-bit on android, Windows10, and Windows11 and use file on ftp server (Open URL).
    All works as expected whith local file.

    But if i use FTP file, then it work great except on Windows 11 where i got error :"Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object"

    trying to use IOProtocolExt and WinSCP but not solve the problem...

    I use the same server/URL/user/ and myfile.kdbx for all !

    URL are exactly same on all KeyPass instances, but it only dont want to work on Windows 11 !!!

    Have you some idea to help me ?
    Thank you in advance.

  • webcarle

    webcarle - 2022-04-04

    Sorry I havent seen that my tittle was not complete !
    It would be "KeyPass 2.50 64-bit dont work on my Windows 11..."
    Is there a way to edit title by myself ?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2022-04-04

    It works on W10 but not on W11?
    When do yo get the error? Open, save?
    Does WinSCP work on its own?

    cheers, Paul

  • webcarle

    webcarle - 2022-04-04

    it work great except on Windows 11 where i got this error :"Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" when i try to open file with the option : Open URL.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2022-04-05

    Are you sure you are using IOProtocolExt on W11?
    Does WinSCP download the file if you run it manually?

    cheers, Paul


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