
Migration to .NET 5

  • Miro

    Miro - 2020-05-23

    is it planned to migrate from .NET 4.x Framework to .NET 5 ? If yes, when can we expect a first beta version of KeePass based on .NET 5 ? Currently .NET 5 preview 4 has been released and the final release is planned for November 2020.


    Last edit: Miro 2020-05-23
  • Paul

    Paul - 2020-05-23

    Why do you need a NET 5 version?

    cheers, Paul

    • Miro

      Miro - 2020-05-23

      .NET core, .NET framework and .NET standard will merge to one .NET 5 in the future - see

      "There will be just one .NET going forward, and you will be able to use it to target Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, tvOS, watchOS and WebAssembly and more."

      My benefit would be, that with .NET 5 it would be possible to run Keepass native on Windows arm64.


      Last edit: Miro 2020-05-23
  • Paul

    Paul - 2020-05-24

    This effectively means 3 versions of KeePass - a lot of work for one developer.
    It may happen, but it's very early days in NET5 land, and look how long NET core lasted.

    cheers, Paul

    • Miro

      Miro - 2020-05-24

      Why 3 versions of KeePass ? It would mean only one version of KeePass, whch runs on every plattform with .NET 5. The new .NET 5 includes the functions of the old .NET Framework.

    • soeren76

      soeren76 - 2020-05-24

      .NET Core lasted a long while. It is the next iteration of that which is now called NET5.

      From .NET Core 2.1 and upwards it was quite good imho. The reasons to stay on Framework was largely UI and WCF. Only the UI part applies to keepass and that part is most certainly doable in core. I have no idea on the security related APIs though.

      I second miro: One version only is needed in the future. No more mono port (it was not a good experience with mono e.g. on a mac).

      (Have been using KeePass extensively for the last 15 years or so..)

  • dregad

    dregad - 2021-02-22

    Interested in seeing a .NET 5 version, so I can finally get rid of Mono on my Ubuntu dev box, and start using the Google Drive plugin ( instead of having to sync manually.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2021-02-22

    Rewriting for NET 5 is not something our team of 1 can easily do.
    Same reason we don't have official apps for anything except Windows.

    cheers, Paul

  • David Lechner

    David Lechner - 2021-02-22

    Also, the UI library (winforms) only works on Windows, even in .NET 5. So even if it was ported to .NET 5, it would only work on Windows.

  • dregad

    dregad - 2021-02-23

    Thanks for your feedback, and please excuse my ignorance of the .NET world. Also I never realized this was a single person project (funny you should be using "we" in that case, though).

  • Paul

    Paul - 2021-02-23

    "We" includes the people who support KeePass in various ways.

    cheers, Paul


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