
automatic update

  • Lorenzo

    Lorenzo - 2018-02-18

    hi, why the program does not have the automatic update function through the Keepass server?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2018-02-18

    There are no security holes in KeePass that require an update, so it is up to you to decide if you want the latest version.

    cheers, Paul

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2018-02-19

    And perhaps because some of us don't like programs that change their appearance and/or functionality on a whim without warning. :-)

  • zemcik

    zemcik - 2019-06-13

    I would welcome a new option to turn on/off automatic updates. That would be the best option for everyone (those who want to stay with their current version and those who want to automatically have the latest one). There could be a simple dialog, of course, "New version available - update? click Yes/No". Pretty please with sugar on top.

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2019-06-13

    If you had read the previous posts in this topic, you would know that there are no automatic updates to KeePass. KeePass does check for updates, but it's always up to you to decide what (if anything) to do with that information. Also, if you don't want to be bothered by even these harmless notices, you can turn them off in the Options (> Advanced (tab) > Start and Exit (section)).

  • zemcik

    zemcik - 2019-06-13

    I know. And therefore I suggested to add another feature that I am (and perhaps others are) missing. Manual updates (at least on WIndows) are cumbersome.

  • John Jones

    John Jones - 2019-06-14

    Automatic updates is a bad idea.
    it's not like we get daily or weekly KeePass updates, it's once in 4~6 months. that's managable.

  • zemcik

    zemcik - 2019-06-14

    Why bad? My idea was not to force everyone to have silent updates of Keepass. My idea was to allow people, who chose it, to see an annoucement about new version and to have it updated with a single click - no less no more. The manual instalation always means at least 10 clicks.

    If you have 1 piece of software on your PC then I guess it is perfectly manageable. I have tons of software and it is very cumbersome.

    I would understand if someone wrote here "man, iit is too complicated to write the code for the automatic/assisted update".

    Maybe I should rephrase my original idea - can we have 1-click manual update of Keepass?

    • John Jones

      John Jones - 2019-06-14

      Well you can always open a feature request ticket

  • Chris Harrison

    Chris Harrison - 2019-06-14

    With all the plugins, it's a pain to have to go look them all up one by one and then find their ".plgx" files and download and copy them to the directory by hand.
    Agree that it should not be automatic, but being able to "one-click" install (each) plugin update would be helpful. Sort of like how notepad++ does it?

    It somewhat makes this difficult to recommend this password manager to the regular (non-power) user if they need to learn how to install updates manually like this. (It's not like they are going to audit the code themselves anyway).

    I also understand that perhaps the security of the plugins is questionable in the first place if they are hosted on personal github repositories; and ensuring that a plugin isn't compromised via a supply chain attack is a real risk.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2019-06-14

    It is too complicated to write auto-update code because the updates are hosted on Sourceforge. You would need to ensure the download arrived, was valid, decide whether to do a regular or portable install, etc, etc.
    Concentrating on providing a robust password manager is more than enough work for one developer.

    cheers, Paul

  • Hans Milling

    Hans Milling - 2022-08-12

    We are in 2022, can we have this feature? I hate the nagging of updates and having to click next 12 times to update it. It could be a settingto turn automatic update off for the 0.01% of users that don't want the automatic update. Most applications update in the background when you exit, so I suggest something similar. Great examples are Google Chrome, you never see or hear anything, you always have the latest version.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2022-08-12

    If you use an old version of Chrome you may find your PC taken over by bad guys.
    If you use an old version of KeePass your passwords will remain safe.

    cheers, Paul

  • ReadyPlayerOne

    ReadyPlayerOne - 2022-08-20

    Chrome will ask you when it needs a update-what your saying isn't true unless you do your own "Help about Chrome" and this will check for update and update if need be. But you will get a icon notification from Chrome if it needs to update or update to be re-launched. Keepass only check for updates at start if you didn't disable this option and when there is one will ask you to update to the latest version. Most apps as your saying tells us basically nothing about how their software updates work or what configuration they use. So let's focus on Keepass and keepass issues here only. The check it does is minimal system resource intensive. It's not that hard to download the latest and install it.


    Last edit: ReadyPlayerOne 2022-08-20
  • S P

    S P - 2023-10-05

    Please have auto-update. Ofcourse you can have an option to turn it on/off as desired. but why not have it for those who want it?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2023-10-05

    The author has decided to leave updates manual.
    Given KeePass is not internet facing and has no attack surface that can be accessed other than locally, manual updates are more than enough.

    cheers, Paul


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