
Duplicate selection with KeePass's Auto-Tpye required

  • Klaus

    Klaus - 2017-11-25


    depending on the scope of work, I use two different accounts for accessing a special web application: a normal user account and an admin account. For this, I've made two entries within a group, both with the same URL, but two different usernames and passwords. My logon process is as follows: Selection of one of the two entries within the group; call of the assigned URL; key combination <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <A> to fill the registration form with user name and password via Auto-Type. Then an 'Auto-Type Entry Selection' window opens, in which the two entries are displayed again. Click once more on the previously selected entry to start the Auto-Type function.
    My question: can I simplify the registration formalism so that I only have to select the desired entry once?
    Thank you very much for your help.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-11-25

    If you have selected the entry to open the URL then you can set a hot key to Auto-Type the selected entry.
    Tools > Options > Interface

    cheers, Paul

  • Tim

    Tim - 2017-11-25

    I think you meant Tools > Options > Integration. I spent more time than I shall admit looking for the option in -> Interface.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2017-11-26

    It was close. :)

  • Klaus

    Klaus - 2017-11-27

    It was close, yes - but I still want to thank you for the very fast and effective answer.


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