
Icons Duplication - How to Manage?

  • AnySupport

    AnySupport - 2013-03-08

      I love this add-on as I'm a very visual person.  My primary KPass database has probably a little under 1000 entries of my own, and now that I've updated to v2.21, I've also imported my LastPass account into it as a backup/offline access.

    Since the built in KP Database tool to delete duplicates in the database, doesn't actually preview what is going to be deleted or tell you the criteria used and just removes entries without logging, I really don't trust running that tool.
        So, I've been working on finding and removing duplicates between new LP imports, an old FireFox import folder (deleting mostly as I go, but saving entries missed in LP or KP), and then the 'normal' entries.  I've just discovered that I have multiple favicons used for entries with the same URLs.   If I pick an entry without an favicon attached yet, but I might already have it under another entry elsewhere, it seems to still download and add a brand new icon.

    So the file size of the database is now growing like crazy. I have 297 custom icons so far and with the limited view of them, finding the duplicates visually by sliding back and forth isn't working very efficiently.

    Is there any way to View the custom icons in a larger screen to help visually remove duplicates?
    Or is there a way to sort the icons perhaps by an internal value of the URL they were obtained from? (This would have more of a change of setting similar links next to each other at least?)

    How has anyone else managed to clean up their database and keep it in check going forward?

    Any advice or direction would be hugely appreciated!
    Thank you,

  • xaa

    xaa - 2013-04-14

    I am agree, it could be great if you can find a way to let us  remove duplicate favicons.


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