
Updating Chirp on Andy's Ham Radio

  • Wiley Traylor

    Wiley Traylor - 2024-06-26

    What, if possible, is the proper way to update CHIRP on Andy's Ham Radio?
    I have downloaded and extracted the tarball, have the proper Python files, and followed the instructions on the CHIRP website for installing and running the latest daily release, but when it launches, it opens the native 2023 version that comes with Andy's software.
    I'm hesitant to uninstall the native version out of simple fear I may break something.


    Later that day: I managed to get it updated. I downloaded a slightly older version (2024-06-18) than the most recent (2024-06-24), and did an uninstall before proceeding. It now launches into the 2024-06-18 instance.


    Last edit: Wiley Traylor 2024-06-26
  • Andy Stewart

    Andy Stewart - 2024-06-27

    Hi Wiley,

    There are two ways that software can be installed on AHRL:
    * from the repository
    * from source

    Sometimes, the repository version is up to date, and other times it is far behind the latest version. In a few cases, the desired software is not part of the repository, in which case it must be installed from source. I endeavor to provide the most recent version when I release a new version of AHRL.

    For any given piece of software, if one knows the command to invoke it, one can deduce how it was installed. In this case, the repository package is called "chirp".

    • On the command line, try this: which chirp
      • If the command lives in /usr/bin, it is likely installed from the repository.
      • If the command lives in /usr/local/bin, it is likely installed from source.
    • Also, "apt-cache policy chirp" will show if the program was installed from the repository and which version was installed.

    If the software was installed from the repository, the command to upgrade it should be simply:
    * sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade (which will upgrade everything)

    If the software is installed from source, the process is more involved.

    HTH and 73,



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