
Login incorrect or forbidden by policy

  • Alex Lozano

    Alex Lozano - 2019-03-24

    I cannot the program - I keep getting the "Login incorrect or forbidden by policy" message. I choose "live" for boot then I login with "ubuntu" then I hit return at the password box (it won't let me type anything into it) and then I get the error message. Using latest version 64 bit. Spent hours trying to no avail. Help appreciated.

  • Andy Stewart

    Andy Stewart - 2019-03-24

    Hl Alex,

    On the very first text screen, where you type "live" for boot, it tells you the password.

    For versions older than v22b, the password did not exist, so for those versions, pressing the return key was correct.

    For v22b, the password is "kb1oiq" as shown on the first text screen.

    Failing that, verify the MD5SUM on the ISO file which you downloaded.



  • Alex Lozano

    Alex Lozano - 2019-03-24

    Hi Andy, I have read all the posts in the help part of the forum and already followed this advice.

    Specifically, I have checked the ISO file and it is OK.

    On the login screen I do type in the username: ubuntu

    after that a password box comes up. The box already has a thin vertical bar already in it and you cannot type anything into it. When you hit the keyboard nothing happens. So, I have no choice but to leave it blank (minus the thin vertical bar already in it) and hit enter. After a few seconds I get the error message "Login incorrect or forbidden by policy"

    Very frustrating. I have tried many, many times.

  • Andy Stewart

    Andy Stewart - 2019-03-24

    Hi Alex,

    Please send me a screenshot. Also, specifically, what version are you using? It is shown on the first text screen.



  • Alex Lozano

    Alex Lozano - 2019-03-25

    Hi Andy - thanks for getting back to me.

    I spent all Sunday morning trying to get this installed - I followed directions in all the posts in this forum dealing with the issue. I made multiple BIOS changes, downloaded 2 copies of your prgram, checked files. Nothing worked.

    Finally, due to my own frustration I installed Mint Cinnamon Linux ( easy install) and am adding amateur radio programs as needed.

    Looks like you have a great program/project here. Somehow I could not get it to work, but may try again sometime.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Andy Stewart

    Andy Stewart - 2019-03-26

    HI Alex,

    I'm sorry that you felt the need to give up on "Andy's Ham Radio Linux". I wish you had sent me the screenshot so we could have debugged the problem. If you ever change your mind, let me know.

    Have a lot of fun, and 73,


  • Luca Rossi

    Luca Rossi - 2019-03-29

    Hi Alex,
    I had the same problem, but I found my mistake: I used "live" as username while the correct is "ubuntu", maybe you made the same...

    Many thanks to Andy for his work, I love Ubuntu and this special distro is exactly what I need.



  • Alex Lozano

    Alex Lozano - 2019-03-29

    Hello Luca,

    Thank you for your input. I truly wish my problem would have been that simple to solve. I tried repeatedly using "ubuntu" as the username. I actually tried several times both with and without the quotation marks just to be sure.



  • Andy Stewart

    Andy Stewart - 2019-03-29

    Hi Alex: if you send me a screenshot, I'll continue to debug the issue. I can't fix it if I can't see it or reproduce it. Your effort might help to prevent somebody else from having an experience similar to yours.

    FYI: no quotations marks should be used.



  • Alex Lozano

    Alex Lozano - 2019-04-01

    Hi Andy,

    As per my earlier response, i did go ahead and install Cinnamon Mint (which installed very easily) and I really don't have the ability at the moment to try your linux version right now - I don't have a clean hard drive and don't wish to format the current drive and start over.

    If it helps at all - I did enter the "live" version at the first screen. I did use "ubuntu" both with and without the quotation marks ( since it was not working with ubuntu alone is the only reason I tried with the marks).

    At the passord prompt I entered nothing (version 22b) and when that did not work I tried with the paasword - kb1oiq - I even tried substituting zero for "o" in case I was entering the wrong character.

    I changed mutiple BIOS settings without getting anywhere.

    Whatever I did, when I hit return after the password prompt I would get the message: "Login incorrect or forbidden by policy"

    I also twice checked the file intergrity and acutally dowloaded the program twice.

    I believe I'm pretty knowledgeable with computers and software and could just not get this to work.

    I really am interested in yoursoftware and will likely give it a try again when I am able to do so.



  • Robert West

    Robert West - 2020-05-03

    Hi Andy I too have the same problem "Login incorrect or forbidden by policy"
    I used correct login and password but just a long vertical dash in password so can't login I'm a newbie to this linux so please b kind cheers

    • Andy Stewart

      Andy Stewart - 2020-05-04

      Hi Robert,

      The "correct login and password" changed at one point in this project. If you are using any flavor of version 23, the login is "ubuntu" and the password is "kb1oiq". Please be sure these are lower case, and omit the double quotes.

      Also, I've seen strange problems when the download is corrupted. Please check the MD5SUM as described here:

      Lastly, please send me a clear photo or some other screenshot so I can see exactly what you are experiencing. Please include the exact version that you've downloaded.



  • Robert West

    Robert West - 2020-05-05

    hi andy and thanks for reply two photos sent to you to examine

    • Andy Stewart

      Andy Stewart - 2020-05-05

      Hi Robert,

      That's not quite what needs to be done. One needs to compute the MD5SUM for the entire ISO file, as in this example:

      md5sum andy_v23e_64bit.iso

      The way to find the expected answer is described here:



  • Robert West

    Robert West - 2020-05-05


  • Robert West

    Robert West - 2020-05-05

    As you can see cursor is vertically long and non operable

    • Andy Stewart

      Andy Stewart - 2020-05-05

      Hi Robert,

      The cursor is correct.

      Aftere typing the correct username "ubuntu", press "enter", and the Password box will appear,
      as you've seen in the photo you provided.

      Then, type the correct password "kb1oiq", and press "enter". You should then gain entry. Be sure that everything is in lower case, and omit the double quotes.



  • Robert West

    Robert West - 2020-05-05

    Hi Andys thanks for reply.....used ubuntu and kb1oiq
    hit enter .....get
    "Login incorrect or forbidden by policy"
    do not understand how I get command promt is it in windows command line or ????
    75 this way and not 100 % conversant on these things sorry


    Last edit: Robert West 2020-05-05
    • Andy Stewart

      Andy Stewart - 2020-05-06

      Hi Robert,

      The "Login incorrect or forbidden by policy" means that the username or password (or both) are incorrect. For the password, please be sure you are typing my callsign "kb1oiq", which is:

      lowercase k
      lowercase b
      number 1
      lowercase o
      lowercase i
      lowercase q

      I only know the Linux environment, so I cannot advise you how to run an MD5SUM program on the ISO file in Windoze or Apple. I found this article that might help, but I have no way to test it since I don't own any computers that run Windoze.

      You said "75 this way", but I don't know what that means.

      My guess at this time is that you might have typed the lowercase letter L instead of the number 1 when you typed the password, or your download is somehow corrupt. It is also possible that you're using an older verion of AHRL where the password was blank (just hit enter). It can't hurt to try a blank password.

      What is the name of the file which you downloaded, and from where did you download it?



  • Robert West

    Robert West - 2020-05-06

    Thank you Andy that is where I got file from and yes I used all lower case .....75 refers to my age.
    Too much hassle I think I will try another linux system....thank you anyway

    • Andy Stewart

      Andy Stewart - 2020-05-07

      HI Rob,

      Regardless of which Linux system you try, you will need to know how to perform an MD5SUM check on any ISO file you download. Without that check, you cannot be certain that the downloaded file is not corrupted.



      • Robert West

        Robert West - 2020-05-07

        Sorry Andy but that is what I asked how to do it im not a tech

        Sent from myMail for iOS

        Thursday, 7 May 2020, 10:38 am +0930 from

        HI Rob,
        Regardless of which Linux system you try, you will need to know how to perform an MD5SUM check on any ISO file you download. Without that check, you cannot be certain that the downloaded file is not corrupted.

        Login incorrect or forbidden by policy

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      • Andy Stewart

        Andy Stewart - 2020-05-07

        Hi Everybody,

        Another possibility is to run the built-in media check. When you get the text boot screen, type "check" and let it do the checking for you. Consult the attached video for a demonstration using v23e.




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