
Rehash - Connecting Radios

  • Jeff Marden

    Jeff Marden - 2022-10-07

    Hello - new AHRL v25 user, installed on a Gateway laptop, with an FT-817 and a DigiRig interface for USB-based serial CAT and CODEC. When running, I can lsusb and see my serial port and CODEC, but when I ls /dev/tty* I don't see ttyUSB0. If I unplug and re-plug the USB cable from the laptop port, ttyUSB0 shows up, but a short time later is goes missing again. I did see the earlier discussion on groups, etc, but I ran the fix-account on install like the "getting started" said to do. Why is the ttyUSB0 port coming and going away?

    Thanks, Jeff Marden/N1JCM

  • Jeff Marden

    Jeff Marden - 2022-10-09

    Any suggestions?


    Jeff Marden/N1JCM

    • Andy Stewart

      Andy Stewart - 2022-10-10

      Hi Jeff,

      My apologies for the belated reply. I was away for the weekend.

      I am not familiar with the DigiRig interface. I gather it is just some sort of USB to audio converter. I recommend doing a generic Linux search regarding this device to see if other have had problems, or perhaps they'll report success with the device. Perhaps others here will read this thread and have helpful replies.

      Check also to see if it is some other USBn terminal device (USB1, USB2, etc). That said, I'm puzzled why it appears to come and go.



      • Jeff Marden

        Jeff Marden - 2022-10-13

        Hi Andy:

        Seems my earlier reply did not go (?!?), so I'll try again please.

        The DigiRig computer -to- Radio interface is indeed both a serial interface for CAT and a USB CODEC for the audio, in my case connected between an FT-817ND and my AHRLv25 linux on a Gateway laptop (I have now loaded on a Dell D820 laptop as well, same results).

        Following-up, I have tried a new USB cable to DigiRig; still fails with ttyUSB0 coming and going. I then switched radios to an ICOM IC-7100, with it's built-in USB port for audio and CAT. It works with ttyUSB0 showing-up in /dev and staying, and the resulting ability to define the ttyUSB0 for CAT control in flrig and life is good in AHRL.

        So, seems DigiRig is the culprit and I am engaging in their support group.


        Jeff Marden/N1JCM

  • Jeff Marden

    Jeff Marden - 2022-10-13

    Got it Andy, thanks - DigiRig is indeed a USB -to- Serial and USB -to- CODEC interface combined into a single case. When it comes up for serial, it shows-up in /dev as ttyUSB0 or 1, depending on which port I am in. Then, after some seconds (like 1 or 2 "ls /dev/tty* attempts) it no longer shows, and utils like FLRIG or GRIG do not offer the port for CAT control.

    So, after posting in the DigiRig Support Forum, I received some responses. Denis Grisak/K0TX posted a link to a google search for a similar problem which yielded an explanation and solution: search for "/dev/ttyUSB0 file disappears from dev directory while using device". Result from

    There is an issue in the brltty daemon which is causing the serial device to shutdown.
    If you aren't using brltty (for braille touch reading devices) then you can safely remove that package :
    sudo apt remove brltty
    The serial USB device will stay connected after this.*

    This fix (removing the brltty package) worked for me and now /dev/ttyUSB0 shows-up and stays! FLRIG now working fine selecting this port for the CAT.

    Jeff Marden/N1JCM

  • David Ranch

    David Ranch - 2022-10-13

    There is also the modemmanager service that can do this as well

    • Andy Stewart

      Andy Stewart - 2022-10-14

      On 10/13/22 03:21PM, David Ranch wrote:

      There is also the modemmanager service that can do this as well

      Hi Jeff and David,

      Thank you for sharing this information with the community. I'm sure it'll be
      helpful to somebody.

      Have fun(!) and 73,


      Andy Stewart (KB1OIQ)


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