
Plasma 6

  • Terry Bailey Sr.

    If I install Andy' HR can i use KDE Plasma 6?

    • Andy Stewart

      Andy Stewart - 2024-06-19

      Hi Terry,

      AHRL version 25* is Xubuntu 22.04 remastered. It comes with the XFCE windowing environment. One could remove XFCE and install KDE, but I've not done it. My guess is that the ham radio programs would continue to work but the menus might not appear as desired.

      For version 26 (not yet released), I've written a large script which installs the ham radio programs on any Linux version that uses the APT package manager. If you can point me to a Linux distribution that uses APT and also KDE, I'd be happy to test it.

      Have fun, and 73,



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