Activity for KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #7

    Links on Desktop do not work after install on Linux Mint 22.0

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #7

    After chatting with Benjie via email, I think it is OK to close this bug as "NOT A BUG" unless more evidence surfaces. Thanks, Benjie, for providing feedback! 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Benjie Quintana Benjie Quintana posted a comment on ticket #7

    That's a good question! Since I didn't expect it, I didn't try it for that purpose. I did a fresh install of the OS in the days before downloading your tar.gz package, and only made several soft links to other directories on my desktop eg "ln -s /home/user/Documents/LaTeX LaTeX" for a link to my LaTeX document and others, prior to installing your program. I followed your install instructions and the installation proceeded without problems. Since there are several 'desktops' and 'file managers' perhaps...

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #7

    HI Benjie, The installation of AHRL does nothing with desktop icons. I'm wondering if you can confirm that this behavior occurred BEFORE the attempt to install AHRL. Thanks ,and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Benjie Quintana Benjie Quintana posted a comment on ticket #7

    SOLVED! Found that the 'default' open command was to use "Disk Usage Analyser". Changed to default to "nemo" by right-click, 'open with' and typing in nemo and select as the 'default' action.

  • Benjie Quintana Benjie Quintana modified a comment on ticket #7

    output of fastfetch attached.... Desktop was running Cinnamon

  • Benjie Quintana Benjie Quintana posted a comment on ticket #7

    output of fastfetch attached....

  • Benjie Quintana Benjie Quintana created ticket #7

    Links on Desktop do not work after install on Linux Mint 22.0

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi Peter, The "version" command is to be typed in a terminal window at the command line prompt. There are different ways to bring up a terminal window, depending on which Linux one is using. In Linux Mint, right click on the background and notice the menu which appears. There is a selection called "Open in Terminal". Click on that selection and a terminal window will appear. At the prompt in that terminal window, type "version" (without the quotes) and press the ENTER key. The result of the command...

  • Peter Holmes Peter Holmes posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi again Andy, my question is how / where to insert the "version" command, and what to expect from doing so. Definitely a newbie question. I guess that would allow me to revert back or keep track... 3 weeks ago you may recall my SUCCESSFUL install of 26a over a fresh Cinnamon 22, It resides in the middle of a triple-boot GMKtec Nucbox G3 Mini PC with the 12th Gen Intel Alder Lake N100. (16GB ram and 1TB SSD). (Win11, Cinnamon 22, DragonOS Focal). I haven't checked every app yet. and want to be confident...

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on a blog post

    Hi Everybody, I've just released AHRL version 26a with bug fixes, a couple of updates, and added support for Linux Mint 22 (Cinnamon). This version can be installed on top of version 26. Just follow the directions in the GETTING_STARTED document. Use the "version" command to ensure that you've done things correctly. Have fun and 73, Andy KB1OIQ

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart created a blog post

    Version 26a has been released!

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26a/andy_v26a.tar.gz

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26a/GETTING_STARTED

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26a/README_FIRST

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26a/README.txt

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26a/README

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26a/CHANGES

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart created a blog post

    Version 26a is IN PROGRESS

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README_FIRST

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README.txt

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/GETTING_STARTED

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Peter, SIR: that was a very astute observation and quite correct. I have fixed that typo in the document and I'll upload a new version shortly. THANK YOU for your patience and feedback. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this software collection. Have a lot of fun and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Peter Holmes Peter Holmes posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There is a typo in the last line below: Install the AHRL files thus: * sudo -i * cd /usr/local * tar xzvf /root/ahrl_VER.tar.gz (again, replacing VER with the actual version information) This last line should read tar xzvf /root/andy_VER.tar.gz (not tar xzvf /root/ahrl_VER.tar.gz) My install was successful without a single hitch. Best to you holmzie n2exg

  • Peter Holmes Peter Holmes posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Andy! NEWS FLASH I kept getting the same error as before... and I finally found a typo in "GETTING STARTED" ... [Install the AHRL files thus: [ * sudo -i [ * cd /usr/local [ * tar xzvf /root/ahrl_VER.tar.gz (again, replacing VER with the actual version information) The last line pointing to the downloaded file in /root should read: [ * tar xzvf /root/andy_v26.tar.gz That's the file we moved into /root, (not ahrl). That being said, Whooh Baby! Fasten you seatbelt boys and girls. That install is...

  • Peter Holmes Peter Holmes posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    THANKS, Andy. You're the best. I'll check it out now. holmziep n2exg

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please note that I just modified the GETTING_STARTED document to (I hope) better explain. 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README.txt

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README_FIRST

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/GETTING_STARTED

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Jonathan, Please don't use beta1 - please grab the released version 26. There were several bug fixes and some other things cleaned up for the release. /usr/local/bin is a particularly bad place to put the tarball. I'll update the instructions, but for now, put the downloaded tarball in /root. Then, cd /usr/local per the instructions, and proceed. Note that it is assumed that when you issue the tar instruction, you'll point to the file via either a relative or absolute path. If you're getting "No...

  • Peter Holmes Peter Holmes modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andy, I'm dumb-as-a stump. As Johnathan describes, thouth I've been doing linux 10 yrs now, but no confidence how Tar gz install works, and moving extracted file to a proper directory . I need more of a step-by-step instruction? I know it's obvious to an experienced person, but not me. Internet "examples" don't help. I did install xosview no problem. Thank you for your help, I am trying this on a fresh Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon install. from your instructions: "Download the file from Sourceforge: *...

  • Peter Holmes Peter Holmes modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andy, I'm dumb-as-a stump. As Johnathan describes, thouth I've been doing linux 10 yrs now, but no confidence how Tar gz install works, and moving extracted file to a proper directory . I need more of a step-by-step instruction? I know it's to an experienced person, but not me. Internet "examples" don't help. I did install xosview no problem. Thank you for your help, I am trying this on a fresh Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon install. from your instructions: "Download the file from Sourceforge: * ahrl_VER.tar.gz...

  • Peter Holmes Peter Holmes posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Andy, I'm dumb-as-a stump. Like Johanthan above,. Doing linux 10 yrs now, but no confidence how Tar gz install works, and moving extracted file to a proper directory . I need more of a step-by-step instruction? I know it's to an experienced person, but not me. Internet "examples" don't help. I did install xosview no problem. Thank you for your help, from your instructions: "Download the file from Sourceforge: * ahrl_VER.tar.gz * copy this to some convenient directory I did this, convenient directory...

  • Jonathan Charles Haynes Jonathan Charles Haynes posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm relatively new to Linux. I am installing V26 on 24.04 LTS a clean install. According to the installation instrux: Download the file from Sourceforge: * ahrl_VER.tar.gz * copy this to some convenient directory I copied it to the cd/usr/local/bin directory, as that seems like what's being used below. I then open a terminal in the usr/local/bin directory and when I run "tar xzvf andy_v26beta1.tar.gz" and get the following: tar (child): ahrl_andy_v26beta1.tar.gz: Cannot open: So such file or directory...

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Denton, Did you read the GETTING_STARTED document? The detailed instructions are contained therein. Also, what does it mean when you say "it fails"? Can you show me a screenshot? Thanks, and 73, Andy -- Andy Stewart (KB1OIQ)

  • Denton Larson Denton Larson posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Andy, I have andy_v26.tar.gz But then i load sudo -i then load cd /usr/local and it fails what do you do to get installed Denton wb0zur

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart created a blog post

    AHRL v26 has been released!

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/andy_v26.tar.gz

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README_FIRST

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README.txt

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/GETTING_STARTED

  • Aaron Coats Aaron Coats posted a comment on ticket #12

    Thanks for your efforts, this is great!

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #10


  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #10

    ARDOP will be in the next AHRL release. I took the file and tied it to a documentation menu. That'll be OK for now. Thanks, and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #12

    Please add AntScope2 (for newer RigExpert devices)

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #12

    AntScope2 will definitely be in the next AHRL release. I'm closing the ticket. Thanks, and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #5

    shim does not work when used as fallback bootloader

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #3

    user creation during install of 25a does not work

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #5

    Add D-Rats to next release please

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #5

    Hi Lee, I tried to get D-Rats-0.4.2.tar.gz to build with no success. :-( I've got one more thing to try before I give up for this release. LMK if you have any helpful hints. Thanks, and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Tyler Dinsmoor Tyler Dinsmoor posted a comment on ticket #10

    There's no man page as this program isn't packaged for distribution and descriptive documentation isn't finished (yet) I've been working on documentation for it though, incomplete but has useful information, here: Specifically, a good place to start:

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #10

    Hi Tyler, Is there anything akin to a man page for ardopcf? With command line programs for ham radio, I like to put a documentation link in the menu system. This gives users a place to start, but more than that, they'll see "ardopcf" and know that it is there. Thanks, and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #10


  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #10

    Hi Tyler, That new link looks MUCH better: It compiled without any issues. I'm tying it in to the menu system, etc. There's a very high probability that this will be in the next release of AHRL. Thanks for the suggestion, and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Tyler Dinsmoor Tyler Dinsmoor posted a comment on ticket #10

    I've been contributing to a fork (MIT), here: It will compile, either the master or develop branch with just 'make' It's compatible with ardop1 on the air. We haven't yet started working on the GUI side of things. It works really good. Tyler On August 3, 2024 12:47:38 PM PDT, Andy Stewart wrote: I verified that indeed this software is Free Software - thanks, Tyler, for that pointer. However, my attempts to compile it have been in...

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #10


  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #10

    I verified that indeed this software is Free Software - thanks, Tyler, for that pointer. However, my attempts to compile it have been in vain. Have you successfully compiled it on a modern Linux version, and if so, what did you do? Maybe I'm missing something simple. Thanks, and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #12

    Please add AntScope2 (for newer RigExpert devices)

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #12

    HI Aaron, antscope2 is GOOD TO GO for the next AHRL release. Thanks for the suggestion! 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Derek Hughes Derek Hughes posted a comment on ticket #6

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">Your system behaved faultlessly. Have never used a Raspberry Pi, Linux or an Icom IC-7100 before to operate FT8. Having installed AHRL yesterday, today I hooked everything together and it all just worked - no issues at all.Typically I chose a day when we were suffering a radio blackout, but made two contacts into Eastern Europe.Congratulations on producing a great product and many thanks for your support. The next installation should...

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified ticket #6

    X11 needs to be restored

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #6

    Thanks, Derek, for closing the loop! I'm curious to hear how this works for you when actually hooked up to the radio. Have fun and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Derek Hughes Derek Hughes posted a comment on ticket #6

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">Hi, many thanks for your support - it is much appreciated.Running Chromium from the command line, lesson learned, reveals an error message not displayed when running the browser from the command line.I’d forgotten that I’d changed the host name and wouldn’t have put two and two together even if I had.The error indicated that the browser was already installed in another profile; deleting the profile resolved the issue.Thanks again....

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi Derek, As I mentioned, the Chromium browser is working fine for me when installed from the repository. Are you seeing something different? The install_ahrl program doesn't touch Chromium, it only installs ham radio applications and their required libraries. At this point, I don't see a bug in AHRL that I need to fix. Do you agree? If not, please explain. Thanks, and 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Derek Hughes Derek Hughes posted a comment on ticket #6

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">Apologies, Chromium as shipped natively with Raspberry Pi OS..RegardsDerekDerek Hughes BSc(Hons), MIET, ProfGCEChairman Quantum Amateur Radio & Technology SocietyM: 07306 616 636E: www.g7lfc.radioOn 30 Jul 2024, at 02:23, Andy Stewart <> wrote:Hi Derek, I confirm that I've seen the behavior that you've mentioned with wsjtx. This feels like a bug in WSJTX (or possibly Wayland) and...

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #12

    Hi Aaron, Thanks for this suggestion. Let me see what I can do. Yes, the MIT License is Free Software compatible. I also see a bunch of other requests from other users that somehow fell off my radar. I'll consider those as well. 73, Andy KB1OIQ ..

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi Derek, I confirm that I've seen the behavior that you've mentioned with wsjtx. This feels like a bug in WSJTX (or possibly Wayland) and I hope you will report it to the respective team. The install_ahrl script installs wsjtx from the repository (see function install_wsjtx()). As you mentioned, would could switch from Wayland to X11, and that appears to fix the issue with wstjx. In case people don't know how to make that switch, it is done this way: sudo -i raspi-config Choose menu option 6: advanced...

  • Aaron Coats Aaron Coats created ticket #12

    Please add AntScope2 (for newer RigExpert devices)

  • Derek Hughes Derek Hughes created ticket #6

    X11 needs to be restored

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README.txt

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README_FIRST

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/README

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/GETTING_STARTED

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart created a blog post

    AHRL version 26beta1 has been released

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/andy_v26beta1.tar.gz

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/README_FIRST

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/README.txt

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/README

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/GETTING_STARTED

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Mike, I need more information in order to help you. You said that you installed Ventoy, but first I need to know which version and flavor of Linux you are using. For example, are you using Linux Mint Cinnamon version 21.3, or something else? Which version of Andy's Ham Radio Linux are you using? I would encourage you to use version26 which is the latest. If you're getting a login error, I suspect you're using version 25. There's a description of how to get around that issue in the GETTING_STARTED...

  • Mike riordan Mike riordan posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have installed Ventoy and downloaded your Linux radio set up I ran it alone first and it all worked fine however on dual boot I keep getting login error pw in correct I'm at a loss as to what to do now help please ! thanks Mike

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart created a blog post

    AHRL version 26alpha1 has been RELEASED - take 2

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart modified a blog post

    AHRL version 26alpha1 has been RELEASED!

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart created a blog post

    AHRL version 26alpha1 has been RELEASED!

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/alpha1/andy_v26alpha1.tar.gz

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux updated /v26/alpha1/md5sum.txt

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/alpha1/md5sum.txt

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/alpha1/GETTING_STARTED

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/alpha1/README_FIRST

  • KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux released /v26/alpha1/README.txt

  • Dallas Vanselow Dallas Vanselow modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I haven't tried to install the video driver that I found on the NVIDIA website yet. I forgot to mention that I did set it up to dual boot with Windows 7, which works fine. Windows 7 also worked fine before Linux was there.

  • Dallas Vanselow Dallas Vanselow posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I haven't tried to install the video driver that I found on the NVIDIA website yet. I forgot to mention that I did set it up to dual boot with Windows 7, which works fine. It also worked fine before Linux was there.

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On 6/29/24 10:32AM, Dallas Vanselow wrote: Hi Andy. Thank you for the great presentation at Hamvention! I tried your OS thru a USB stick and it seems to work smoothly on my old I7 machine with one exception: White dots keep appearing across the screen and then seem to disappear when I move the mouse and/or click in a window. I figured it may be a driver issue so I proceeded with the installation process. The installation went fine but it still does the white dot thing. I found a driver for my NVIDIA...

  • Dallas Vanselow Dallas Vanselow posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Andy. Thank you for the great presentation at Hamvention! I tried your OS thru a USB stick and it seems to work smoothly on my old I7 machine with one exception: White dots keep appearing across the screen and then seem to disappear when I move the mouse and/or click in a window. I figured it may be a driver issue so I proceeded with the installation process. The installation went fine but it still does the white dot thing. I found a driver for my NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 on NVIDIA's website and...

  • Andy Stewart Andy Stewart posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Wiley, There are two ways that software can be installed on AHRL: * from the repository * from source Sometimes, the repository version is up to date, and other times it is far behind the latest version. In a few cases, the desired software is not part of the repository, in which case it must be installed from source. I endeavor to provide the most recent version when I release a new version of AHRL. For any given piece of software, if one knows the command to invoke it, one can deduce how it...

  • Wiley Traylor Wiley Traylor modified a comment on discussion Help

    What, if possible, is the proper way to update CHIRP on Andy's Ham Radio? I have downloaded and extracted the tarball, have the proper Python files, and followed the instructions on the CHIRP website for installing and running the latest daily release, but when it launches, it opens the native 2023 version that comes with Andy's software. I'm hesitant to uninstall the native version out of simple fear I may break something. Thanks Wiley Later that day: I managed to get it updated. I downloaded a...

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