
Karrigell / News: Recent posts


This version fixes a few bugs mentioned after the release of version 3.0

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2009-07-06

Karrigell-3.0 released

I am glad to announce the version 3.0 of the Python web framework Karrigell

Karrigell has been around since 2002 and after numerous versions, until 2.4.0 last year, it needed a complete rewriting. Some modules had been written long ago, using out-of-date patterns ; the global architecture needed cleaning up, to replace an accumulation of modules added one release after the other ; most important, the previous versions were unable to run reliably in a multithreaded environment, which was a serious limitation for professional web developement... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2009-06-20

Karrigell-2.4.0 released

A new version of the Python web framework Karrigell is released

It brings many changes and improvements, the main important ones are :
- a new, more clear homepage with direct access to administration functions, database management,
built-in web applications
- a framework for user management and access control to scripts
- additional configuration options

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2008-04-12

Karrigell-2.3.6 released

Karrigell is a flexible Python web framework, with a clear and intuitive syntax. It is independant from any database, ORM or templating engine, and lets the programmer choose between a variety of coding styles

This release includes :
- bug fixes
- introduction of Login([scipt_url]), a function to restrict access to authenticated users
- more detail on the integration with Apache on cgi mode

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2007-10-07

Karrigell-2.3.5 released

Karrigell is a flexible Python web framework, with
a clear and intuitive syntax. It is independant
from any database, ORM or templating engine, and
lets the programmer choose between a variety of
coding styles

The main new features in version 2.3.5 are :

- a first version of the integration of Karrigell
behind Apache using CGI mode (see the
documentation page about Apache for details)

- name REQUEST added in the namespace (same as QUERY)... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2007-05-19

Karrigell-2.3.4 released

Changes in version 2.3.4 :
- bug fixes :
. in reload_module
. in cgi-directories

- for smart urls : THIS.subpath is now available
for all kinds of scripts and THIS has a new
attribute, baseurl
for instance for /demo/subpathtest.pih/view/1 :
THIS.subpath = [u'view', u'1']
THIS.baseurl = demo/

- calendar demo improvements

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2007-03-17

Karrigell 2.3.3 released

Karrigell is a flexible Python web framework, with a clear and intuitive syntax. It is independant from any database, ORM or templating engine, and lets the programmer choose between a variety of coding styles

The main change in this version is a SQLite database management program, similar to the one developed for MySQL in the last version

The package is released under two versions, one with only the core modules, and another one complete with documentation and demo programs... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2007-01-18

Karrigell-2.3.1 released - CGI support

Karrigell is a simple and flexible Python web framework

The main new feature in this version is the
support of CGI scripts, running much faster than
plain CGI behind Apache (20 times from a quick
benchmark with ab)
The instant_site database management generator
supports MySQL
A small blog engine has been developed
A few bug fixes, like the "save as" problem for

Please report any bug or suggestion to the Google group :

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2006-09-02

Karrigell-2.3 released

The main change in version 2.3 is that buzhug ( becomes the default database engine instead of KirbyBase. I rewrote all the demos with it ; the forum demo has been improved, with the ability to remove messages and a nicer look

The other important change is the replacement of gettext by a much simpler module (called k_translation) ; I wrote it because I still had problems with unicode and wasn't able to solve them with gettext and its .po and .mo files. The interface is the same (use of the _() function, or <%_ %> in PIH scripts) but the translations themselves will have to be entered again using the script admin/internat.pih

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2006-06-24

Karrigell-2.2.5 released

The main changes in this version of Karrigell are :
- the Open Source licence changes from GPL to BSD
- logging management (written by Radavan Garabik)
new options loggingFile and loggingParameters
- new options in configuration file : debug
manages the "Debug" button when exceptions occur
in scripts ; reloadModules specifies if modules
must be reloaded at each request

Bug fixes
- option encodeFormData was not managed correctly
(bug report by Helmut Jarausch)
- cookies attributes (path, expiry date...) were
erased at each request. 2 variables now manage
cookies : COOKIE is the cookies received from the
browser ; SET_COOKIE is used by a script to set a
cookie in the browser. Bug report by Joe Correia
- mask k_session and KarrigellRequestHandler for
virtual hosts

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2006-05-14

Karrigell-2.2.3 released

A new release of Karrigell, a Python web framework
This version fixes a bug in version 2.2.2 for directory listings, and completes the support of Unicode

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2006-03-26

Karrigell-2.2.2 released

Karrigell is a powerful Python web framework, ready
for use (web server and database included) and with
an almost flat learning curve

In release 2.2.2 :
- extended smart urls to all kinds of scripts
- first level of Unicode support, mostly written
by Radovan Garabik
- the demo tour has been translated into Chinese by Zoom Quiet
- bug fixes

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2006-03-12

Release of Karrigell-2.2.1

Karrigell is a powerful Python web framework, with an almost flat learning curve

The changes in this new version are :

- a major speed improvement (up to 60%) by changing some algorithms in the request handler
- changed the directory organization : the home page and all the demos are now in a directory "webapps". This should make the installation on shared hosting services easier
- remove the option 'admin' for allow_directory_listing (not really useful, and made the code confused)
- changes in the wiki and kwiki demos : both support an option that restricts editing to the administrator. Markup options have been added to the wiki (ability to mark zones with a CSS style)
- a tip for Python scripts that musn't be executed in Karrigell : add try: raise SCRIPT_END except: pass
- the database management script generation has been bugfixed ; it is now explained in the documentation shipped with the package and removed from the sourceforge page, where it is replaced by a link to the tutorial... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-12-16

Karrigell-2.2 released

The definitive 2.2 version of Karrigell, a Python web framework, has been released
The main changes in this version are the support of Virtual Host and the inclusion of the Cheetah templating system
This final release fixes 2 bugs, one in the asynchronous HTTP server which would use 100% of the CPU in some cases, and another one in the protected directory management

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-11-21

Version 2.2_beta2 released

A bugfix release following the first 2.2 beta version
The final 2.2 should be released within 2 weeks

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-11-06

Karrigell 2.2 beta released

This is the new version of Karrigell, a simple and full-featured Pythonic web framework, with an almost flat learning curve

It brings many important new features :

* the built-in web server has been rewritten, it is now fully asynchronous and is more stable than the previous one. I have tested it with 50 concurrent users loading huge files (60 Mb) and it never
* support of virtual hosts : tha ability to serve different host names on the same server. When used behind Apache, this allows serving multiple domain names with the same instance of the built-in server
* the default database engine is now KirbyBase, a pure Python flat-file database ( It replaces gadfly, the SQL engine which is no longer maintained and requires Python2.2 ; the dbStorage modules have been removed. If you need them for backwards compatibility you can download an old version of Karrigell and copy the directories gadlfy-1.0.0 and databases
* refactoring of the Template module : the execution of scripts is now passed to modules mod_(extension).py. You can write your own modules to manage specific extensions
* for instance, a module is included to bring a first level of Cheetah support ; Cheetah is a well-known templating engine, also included in the Karrigell distribution
* a new exception SCRIPT_ERROR has been added : raise SCRIPT_ERROR,msg prints the message msg and stops the script execution
* new formatting rules in the wiki demo + bug fixes... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-10-31

Karrigell-2.1.9 released

Karrigell is a simple yet full-featured Python web framework

Besides a couple of bug fixes, this version adds many
new features :

* in Karrigell Services : better testing of the available
functions (completes the security fix of version 2.1.8) ;
introduction of "private" functions, starting with "_" (they
can be called by the other functions in the script, but not
by a url)... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-09-10

Karrigell-2.1.8 released - please update !

A new version of Karrigell, a simple but full-featured web framework in Python, complete with a database engine and a web server, has just been released
It fixes a security hole related to the "Karrigell services" (see the mailing list for details), and includes a patch for the asynchronous web server which should make it more stable
Because of the security issue, all users of previous versions are advised to update to version 2.1.8

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-08-05

Karrigell-2.1.6 released

Karrigell is a simple but full-featured Python web framework

This new version is mainly a bugfix version :

* if the root directory is different from the server
directory , the error pages were not found

* in HTMLTags, in some cases unexpected line feeds
were generated

* bug in gzip support in k_config

* mimetypes defined in the configuration file were not
always taken into account

* in debug mode, some modules were reloaded by
mistake... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-06-26

Karrigell-2.1.5 released

A bugfix release for Karrigell, a Python web framework

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-05-19

Release of Karrigell-2.1.4

Karrigell is a simple but full-featured web framework in Python

This is a minor bugfix release

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-05-12

Karrigell-2.1.3 released

Karrigell is a simple, lightweight but full-featured web framework, written in Python

New features in this version :
- support of gzip encoding : a parameter in the .ini file tells Karrigell to use it or not
- changes in the HTMLTags module : a method attribute() to change tag attributes, and a bug fix
in the Sum() function
- better handling of file uploads, as suggested by limodou : the object available in the scripts
is an instance of cgi.FieldStorage and has the attributes file and filename
- removed the option 2 in debug mode... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-05-08

Karrigell-2.1.2 released

Karrigell is a 100% Python, lightweight but full-featured web framework, including a web server and a database

The main changes in this new release are :

- a change in the default web server : instead of the SocketServer-based server, the one used when running python is now an asyncore-based, asynchronous web server. From the measures I have made it it something like 30% faster than the previous one, and seems very stable. The SocketServer-based server can still be used, running python
- the If-Modified-Since header is now handled for static pages (patch by Luca Montecchiani)
- the Content-Length header was missing
- a new module called HTMLTags has been added, it can be used to generate HTML with Python functions. For instance, print A('Go there',href="") generates the HTML <A HREF="">Go there</A>
- the Component features present in the previous versions has been removed. The concept of ready-to-use pieces of code still makes sense to me, but the implementation was ugly and bugged (trying to include components in other components failed). Perhaps it will come back in a future version, if I can find better ways to implement it
- the small, all-Python KirbyBase database has been included in the package, with some demos already running with it (more support will be added in the next versions)
- changes in to make the namespace for script execution cleaner

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-03-13

Karrigell-2.1.1 released

Karrigell is a simple, lightweigth and full-python web framework, including a web server and an SQL database (gadfly)
The main new feature in this release is the introduction of a new kind of scripts, called "Karrigell services" : Python scripts where the functions can be called by a specific URL. That is, the url foo.ks/bar gets the result of function bar() in the script foo.ks. A small website can be built with just one "ks" script, instead of having several separate files. See the documentation and the examples... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2005-01-09

Karrigell 2.0.5 released

A new release of the 100% Python web framework Karrigell, with only one bug fix in the CustomHTTPServer module

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2004-10-10