
Karrigell / News: Recent posts

Karrigell 2.0.4 released

Karrigell is a small, simple but full-featured web framework, including a web server and an SQL database (gadfly). Runs Python scripts and pages mixing Python and HTML ; easy handling of authentication and sessions ; advanced debugger

Version 2.0.4 has no new feature, just a number of bug fixes :

- better namespace cleanup after script execution
- the demos produce a cleaner HTML

Lately I've been working mostly on the database management demo, this version is better but not yet documented

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2004-10-07

Karrigell 2.0.3 released

Karrigell is a small, simple but full-featured web framework, including a web server and an SQL database (gadfly). Runs Python scripts and pages mixing Python and HTML ; easy handling of authentication and sessions ; advanced debugger

Version 2.0.3 has some new features and a number of bug fixes :

Bug fixes

- add handling of urls without extensions in the debugger and Include

- in the name space, the field names with a leading undercore were not cleaned after script execution ! ... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2004-06-15

Karrigell-2.0.2 released

Minor changes since version 2.0.1 :
- for paths with no extension, searches a file with an extension in {html, htm, py, pih, hip}
- nicer rendering of IO errors (file or directroy not found, multiple index files, etc)

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2004-05-08

Karrigell-2.0.1 released

Minor change : directory listing when no index file has been found

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2004-04-05

Release of Karrigell 2.0

Karrigell is a simple pure-python web programming solution, including a web server and an SQL database (gadfly). It can also work with the Apache and Xitami servers, as well as all the databases with a Python interface (mySql, PstGresql, SQLite, ZODB, etc). It allows execution of Python scripts and of pages mixing Python and HTML ; easy handling of authentication and sessions ; building pages from components ... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2004-03-06

Karrigell V2.0 beta released

This new version of Karrigell introduces a very important new feature : the ability to work with the Apache web server and mod_python. The same scripts will run unmodified with the embedded web server and behind Apache, taking advantage of the stability, performance and features of Apache (including running with SSL)

Other new features :

- a port for the Xitami web server

- sqliteStorage : the same interface (dictionary-like) as gadflyStorage for the lightweight and very efficient database SQLite... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2004-02-01

Karrigell 1.4 released

A new version of Karrigell, a simple web framework written in Python, including a web server and the gadfly SQL database

This version fixes bugs remaining in version 1.4_beta, and updates the documentation

Main changes :

Bug fixes

- KarrigellRequestHandler : redirect to index file every time the url matches a directory

- bug in kdb for included scripts (the root script was shown, not the one with an error) ... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2004-01-04

Karrigell v1.4_beta released

Version 1.4_beta of Karrigell, a simple web programming tool in Python, is available for testing. Please report bugs to

Main changes in this version :

New features

- Include now supports urls with query strings
- HTML utility functions :
taken out of HIP and put into HTML module
rewritten and completed (select)
- bug in line mapping for HIP files : the line shown was not
the bugged one
- modify cache mechanism in IncludeComponent so that
changes in component scripts are taken into account
- Debugging :
. errors in scripts are handled by Template instead of
. Template records info about the error in a module kdb
. a "debug" button is added to the error message
. this button leads to a page where the script is shown
with syntax coloring and error line highlighting, and a
namespace browser
- gadflyStorage :
. a unique identifier is added for each object, called __id__
. when an object is retrieved from a base it has a __table__
attribute and an update() function. update() saves the
object to disk, as in :
msg.update() # save new value of msg in database
- RecursionError raised if a script includes itself
- admin/gadflyAdmin.hip to browse gadfly bases
- new demo : e-business site
- in translation scripts, possibility to choose the default language ... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2003-12-18

Final version of Karrigell 1.3

Karrigell is a simple web programming solution, including a web server and an SQL database (gadfly). It allows execution of Python scripts and of pages mixing Python and HTML ; easy handling of authentication and sessions ; building pages from components

Version 1.3 was released under beta version recently. It introduced a new function, IncludeComponent, for developing and including components (independant scripts performing an elementary function)... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2003-11-02

Beta version of Karrigell 1.3 released

This is the beta release of Karrigell version 1.3

Karrigell is a simple web programming solution,
including a web server and an SQL database
(gadfly). It allows execution of Python scripts and
of pages mixing Python and HTML, very much PHP-
like ; easy handling of authentication and
sessions ; building pages from components

Many minor bug fixes, and a couple of new features :
- the most important one is the introduction of
components, through the IncludeComponent
function. This feature allows the development of
elementary services (such as calendar, news
editing etc) which can be run and tested stand-
alone, or included in other scripts with this
function. Documentation and examples are provided
in the release
- another important and required feature is a debug
level in which all imported modules are reloaded at
every HTTP request. This avoids having to restart
the server when a change is made in an imported
- a test suite, written by Didier Wenzek... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2003-10-12

Karrigell 1.2 released

Karrigell is a simple web programming solution, written in Python, designed for web sites with moderate traffic. It includes a web server and the gadfly SQL database

The main features of version 1.2 are :

- bug fix for use with frames (each thread now has its own stdout)
- the configuration file can be specified on command line (default is Karrigell.ini)
- server port can be specified in the configuration file
- almost complete rewriting of PythonInsideHTML, focused on a better handling of indentation. Introduction of the <indent> tag. A GUI application is provided to test the parsing... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2003-06-07

Karrigell 1.1 released

Karrigell is a simple web programming solution, written in Python, designed for web sites with moderate traffic, such as personal sites running on a home computer. It includes a web server and the gadfly SQL database

The most important feature of version 1.1 is the introduction of gadflyStorage,
a module which simplifies the storage of Python objects in a gadfly database. See
the database link in the documentation for more information... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2003-03-23

Karrigell 1.0 released

Karrigell is a simple web programming solution, written in Python

Release 1.0 adds many important features to the previous versions :
- the most important is the inclusion of a relational database : since Karrigell targets simple and moderate traffic sites and is 100% Python I have chosen gadfly, a highly portable SQL query engine based in Python with transactions, recovery and client server mode
- the Wiki demo has been rewritten using this database
- a new demo has been included, consisting of a portal built from components which are assembled using the powerful Include() function. The portal supports user identification, personalization and news publishing and editing
- also added are two components for vertical menus and horizontal tabs
- the Include() function now supports parameter passing under the form of key=value arguments
- the usual bug fixes... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2003-02-16

Release of Karrigell 0.4

Karrigell is a simple web programming solution, written in Python, including a web server. It allows execution of Python scripts and of pages mixing Python and HTML in various ways. It allows an easy handling of basic HTTP authentication and of sessions, and has a web interface for internationalizing programs

The 0.4 release includes :
- a specific traceback for PIH and HIP scripts (Python Inside HTML and HTML Inside Python) : besides printing the Python traceback, which is based on the Python translation of the script, a message showing the line in original script is displayed. As far as I could test it, errors in scripts included with the Include() function are correctly located and reported, even in the case of nested inclusions (that is, an included script which includes another one, and so on)
- a Python script to generate md5 digests of the administrator's login and password... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2003-01-22

Karrigell 0.2 released

Karrigell is a simple web programming solution, written in Python, including a web server. It allows execution of Python scripts and of pages mixing Python and HTML. It allows an easy handling of authentication and sessions and has a web interface for internationalizing programs

v0.2 is a new release with minor changes in documentation, home page, support for the form field syntax <select multiple name="foo[]"> which produces the _foo variable in scripts as a list... read more

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2002-12-17

Karrigell 0.1 released

Karrigell is a simple web programming solution, including a web server. It allows execution of Python scripts and of pages mixing Python and HTML.

It handles authentication and sessions through convenient functions. An interface to gettext facilitates interntionalization of scripts

The project page is

If by chance my home PC is online (roughly between 6pm - 10pm every week day and 10am-10pm on weekends - French time) try to see how it works

Posted by Pierre Quentel 2002-11-28