
#516 Support for editing in landscape mode


The following feature was requested by torstenmueller in our forum on 2009-10-12:
Landscape mode for entering text would be a plus, especially for usage in the train.


  • Christa Runge

    Christa Runge - 2010-08-16

    Requested again from haemse, see his forum entry from 2010-08-11:
    "you still can't use the wide keypad while typing all your cads ... you have to do it with th small keypad ... that sucks! It would be the function that makes karatasi the best index card app!"

  • Christa Runge

    Christa Runge - 2010-08-16
    • priority: 5 --> 6
  •  haemse

    haemse - 2012-08-07

    I still think this is a main improvement for the karatasi app. It affects everyone who's typing in new vocs with an iPhone! As a med student and power karatasi user, i am waiting for this insanely! This is one of the view last things that would make karatasi unrivaled! But typing with the small keyboard makes your fingers weak and type a lot of mistakes ... :( I did over 2000 med vocs on my phone ... Pleasing you to implement it! ;)

  •  haemse

    haemse - 2012-08-07

    I really understand that not everything can be high priority, but I cannot believe this issue is priority 6?!?

  •  haemse

    haemse - 2012-08-07

    As already said, I declare my self as a karatasi poweruser but this issue makes me look around for different apps! I would also be willing to pay for the app if this is implemented!

  • Mathias Kussinger

    i'll look into this for 1.8. Depends how much effort it will be.

  • Mathias Kussinger

    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Mathias Kussinger
    • Group: future --> iphone_1.8
  • Mathias Kussinger

    to be done:
    1) add config switch that disables the help view code in karatasiAppDelegate::orientationChanged: but allows turning.
    2) learning statistics need scrolling, designed for longer screen.
    3) adopting cell size in database list.
    4) adopting cell size in category edit feature list.
    5) adopting cell width in database edit list.
    6) right alignment in all card lists.
    7) layout, alignment and keyboard scrolling of database wizard.
    8) test input field height and width for data wizard input.
    9) sync db failed screen needs vertical flex space.
    10) in database search right committed button is missing in rotated view.
    11) Size of database search field changes when navigating back and forth in landscape view.
    12) Sync list expand table cell elements to the right.
    13) On database list sync time text flows over the right edge.
    14) editing of category format strings with sliding text edit field needs re-formating, like in edit card data.
    15) about screen needs re-formating for landscape view, maybe two columns.
    16) empty db list start screen, make "turn your device for help conditional.


    Last edit: Mathias Kussinger 2013-05-19
  • Mathias Kussinger

    I see no way to have single views in portrait only.
    Known issues:
    - database wizard: in landscape mode the keyboard hides all edit field besides the top one. Just use portrait mode.


    Last edit: Mathias Kussinger 2013-05-09
  • Mathias Kussinger

    Implemented with svn3093

  • Mathias Kussinger

    • status: accepted --> closed
  • Christa Runge

    Christa Runge - 2017-07-29
    • Labels: karatasi.iphone --> karatasi.iphone, feature
  • Christa Runge

    Christa Runge - 2017-07-29

    Ticket moved from /p/karatasi/features/78/

    Can't be converted:

    • _milestone: iphone_1.8

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