I think I don't know enough about computers to convince my Mac that's running on Ventura to load Java 6, so at this point is there any way to import files into my karatasi iPhone app?
The API seems broken for modal view controllers. The controllers on the navigation stack are shown immediately, without animation; but the modal view controllers are always animated. And maximum two can be stacked before I get the error message "Warning: Attempt to present <uinavigationcontroller: 0x7ff335829c00=""> on <uinavigationcontroller: 0x7ff33582e000=""> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!" Note: we stack 3 modal views, e.g. Drill / Edit / Learning data. In this case it does not restore...
The API seems broken for modal view controllers. The controllers on the navigation stack are shown immediately, without animation; but the modal view controllers are always animated. And maximum two can be stacked before I get the error message "Warning: Attempt to present <uinavigationcontroller: 0x7ff335829c00=""> on <uinavigationcontroller: 0x7ff33582e000=""> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!" No idea for any work-around (except not using this API)</uinavigationcontroller:></uinaviga...
See also: http://aplus.rs/2013/state-restoration-in-ios-6-without-storyboards/ Very detailed, step-by-step instructions. Easy to follow. Highly recommended. http://aplus.rs/2013/state-restoration-for-modal-view-controllers/ Tips and tricks for modal view controllers.
Startup view controller: separate processing and visualisation
Startup view controller: separate processing and visualisation
1) The error message "... BSMachError: ...Unable to insert COPY_SEND" is not related. The race condition occurs although the error message is not shown. 2) Example scenario: in the database list, press "Bearbeiten", then select a database. modify the difficulty, but keep the cursor in this field. press 'back'. select the same database to check its values. Expected: the difficulty is on its new value. Observed: the difficulty is on its old value. Note: As we don't offer a 'cancel' option at this screen,...
Race condition on leaving DB Edit
1) The error message "... BSMachError: ...Unable to insert COPY_SEND" is not related. The race condition occurs although the error message is not shown. 2) Example scenario: in the database list, press "Bearbeiten", then select a database. modify the difficulty, but keep the cursor in this field. press 'back'. select the same database to check its values. Expected: the difficulty is on its new value. Observed: the difficulty is on its old value. Note: As we don't offer a 'cancel' option at this screen,...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56980875/what-does-invalid-mode-kcfrunloopcommonmodes-mean Probably a bug in the SDK. It seems to be related to a switch (toggle) inside a table view, and to some kind of race condition if switching trigers a reload of the table,
Error message in DB Edit on activate/deactivate database
Race condition on leaving DB Edit
Error message in DB Edit on activate/deactivate database
Investigate what is a good error strategy: popViewControllerAnimated: what happens if this is not the last on the stack? Will it be removed in isolation? popToViewControllerAnimated: how to locate the 'last good' parent? Responsibilities to provide error status and to perform strategy? popToRootControllerAnimated: should work always - but maybe too hard?
Review / test UI state restoration error pathes
Review / test UI state restoration error pathes
Review / implement cleanup of all resources
Review / add cleanup of all resources
TODO: DBNavigationController.completeStartup pops the remaining vc from its stack if one of them reports a failure. This is currently implemented but not yet tested. TODO: karatasiAppDelegate.terminateApplication triggers the vc before closing the db. Do not forget to remember the card for test and drill here.
TODO: DBNavigationController.completeStartup pops the remaining vc from its stack if one of them reports a failure. This is currently implemented but not yet tested. TODO: karatasiAppDelegate.terminateApplication needs to trigger the vc before closing the db, so they can remember the card for test and drill. Not yet implemented.
TODO: DBNavigationController.completeStartup pops the remaining vc from its stack if one of them reports a failure. This is currently implemented but not yet tested.
TODO: DBNavigationController.completeStartup should dismiss the remaining vc from its stack if one of them reports a failure. This is currently implemented but not yet tested.
TODO: do not forget: DBNavigationController.completeStartup should dismiss the remaining vc from its stack if one of them reports a failure.
Race condition on leaving DB Edit
Investigate if NSAttributedString can be used instead of WKWebView
The html features of NSAttributedString are very limited. No tables, no badding. It makes no sense to use it to replace the Web views.
Error message 'unbalanced animations' on startup
Resolved in commit 8c5daee1a50ac296b64671d1c443a4e0633d182c. Solution: The order of instructions in startup was mudled up. The API documentation is a bit unclear here. http://aplus.rs/2013/state-restoration-in-ios-6-without-storyboards/ shows a nice and correct example.
See also: http://aplus.rs/2013/state-restoration-in-ios-6-without-storyboards/ Very detailed, step-by-step instructions. Easy to follow. Highly recommended.
See also: http://aplus.rs/2013/state-restoration-in-ios-6-without-storyboards/ Very detailed, step-by-step instructions. Highly recommended.
See also: http://aplus.rs/2013/state-restoration-in-ios-6-without-storyboards/
Suggestions from the internet: an animation was started before the previous was finished push / present / or pop operations on a view controller, or performing a segue from viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear. The correct time is viewDidAppear same view controller pushed twice, or popped twice, or added twice to the view hierarchy wrong / mismatching / missing calls of super for the view callback methods (-viewWillAppear, -viewDidAppear, -viewDidLoad, -viewWillDisappear, -viewDidDisappear ) present modal...
Suggestions from the internet: an animation was started before the previous was finished push / present / or pop operations on a view controller, or performing a segue from viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear. The correct time is viewDidAppear same view controller pushed twice, or popped twice, or added twice to the view hierarchy wrong / mismatching / missing calls of super for the view callback methods (-viewWillAppear, -viewDidAppear, -viewDidLoad, -viewWillDisappear, -viewDidDisappear ) present modal...
Suggestions from the internet: an animation was started before the previous was finished push / present / or pop operations on a view controller, or performing a segue from viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear. The correct time is viewDidAppear same view controller pushed twice, or added twice to the view hierarchy, or popped twice wrong / mismatching / missing calls of super for the view callback methods (-viewWillAppear, -viewDidAppear, -viewDidLoad, -viewWillDisappear, -viewDidDisappear ) present modal...
Suggestions from the internet: an animation was started before the previous was finished push / present / or pop operations on a view controller, or performing a segue from viewDidLoad or viewWillAppear. The correct time is viewDidAppear same view controller pushed twice, or added twice to the view hierarchy, or popped twice wrong / mismatching / missing calls of super for the view callback methods (-viewWillAppear, -viewDidAppear, -viewDidLoad, -viewWillDisappear, -viewDidDisappear ) present modal...
It happens between DBNavigationController.viewWillAppear and DBNavigationController.viewDidApear.
Error message 'unbalanced animations' on startup
Hmmm ... not sure if we really want this. 1) DBListViewController and CatTableViewController: they have currently the "Edit" button on the right side in the navigation bar. However, in Edit mode, on the right side we have the '+' button, and the 'Done' button is on the left side. 2) CatEditViewController: on leaving the view it invokes [self setEditing:NO...]. No other call related to editing the table view .
Candidates are (they have a setEditing: method): DBListViewController CatTableViewController CatEditViewController LabeledSwitchCell DBListCell DataFieldCell
Database list shows sometimes wrong card numbers
Creating new card with data wizard does not refresh number of cards in cat view
Synch: Strange error message in console window
Close as "won't fix". We don't setup credentials in the credential store.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46099940/credstore-perform-query-error "This error occurs when trying to retrieve an URLCredential from URLCredentialStorage for an unknown URLProtectionSpace ... Give it a credential for the protection space: ... and the error goes away next time you try to retrieve the credential. ... Credential storage on iOS allows users to securely store certificate-based or password-based credentials on the device either temporarily or permanently to the keychain. I suspect...
Refactor layout constraints to improve maintainability
WebKit not closed down properly?
Minimum height of table row in card list
Fixed in commit 0298d48
Refactor layout constraints to improve maintainability
Refactor layout constraints to improve maintainability
Initial rotation not performed
Resolved with commit ac861a0. Root cause: call to [UIViewController attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation] was missing. New behaviour: After I exit the simulator from landscape mode, it still turns to portrait. But when I restart the application, it turns back to landscape. From now on the UI rotates as expected, and is in synch with the device orientation.
Initial rotation not performed
Initial rotation not performed
Error message on presenting / hiding help view
I do not see this error message / warning again with the latest code at commit 0af116b143077891303f1aebe735ee0baebb29f2. Closing the ticket. Note: we are now linking to SDK 13. Currently we have setup target device to iOS 13.0, maybe we will extend it back to some 12.x version for better inclusion of our users.
Animations to / from modal views
Not seen with latest code at commit 0af116b143077891303f1aebe735ee0baebb29f2. Closing the ticket.
Fixed error 113 at commit 0af116b143077891303f1aebe735ee0baebb29f2. But I still see error messages like [ProcessSuspension] 0x10c5f3720 - ProcessAssertion::processAssertionWasInvalidated() and [ProcessSuspension] 0x600002b00540 - WKProcessAssertionBackgroundTaskManager: Ignored request to start a new background task because the application is already in the background Root cause of error 113 was that the WKWebView can load content only while it is included somewhere in the view hierarchy. This has...
the page history needs to be handled manually. And no external links!
the page history needs to be handled manually.
The same should work with image references, too.
External css: You can keep the CSS in a separate file in your bundle for macOS at least, as I've just had this working for me in to an NSTextView. First you need to include the stylesheet link in your HTML document's HEAD as you would usually (e.g. <link href="Base.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">). Then when you create your NSAttributedString you need to pass a base URL (e.g. by using htmlUrl.deletingLastPathComponent() in Swift). – Quintin Willison May 17 '18 at 12:32
Investigate if NSAttributedString can be used instead of WKWebView
Selectable links: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21629784/how-can-i-make-a-clickable-link-in-an-nsattributedstring
I have displayed the numerical values for all currently documented WKErrorCode. They have values between 1 and 11. No 113 here.
2020-07-18: at commit e48973, I still see error messages like: 2020-07-18 12:45:01.245427+0200 karatasi[85150:7577379] [ProcessSuspension] 0x10e5f34e0 - ProcessAssertion::processAssertionWasInvalidated() 2020-07-18 12:45:31.121643+0200 karatasi[85150:7577379] Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.WebContent: 113: Could not find specified service
Investigate if NSAttributedString can be used instead of WKWebView
Grouped table views
1) We prefer to stay with the "Grouped" layout because it uses the full width of the screen. 2) Content view of description cell with height 0 was resolved: Fix a layout warning (table cell content view has height = 0). Christa Runge 15.07.20, 00:05 f51c084a Similar issues were resolved: Fix a layout warning (table cell content view has height = 0). ndegendogo 15.07.20, 22:50 4872e9c3 Fix layout issue (table cell content view has height = 0). ndegendogo 15.07.20, 23:53 85b4d05b
Grouped table views
Investigate if NSAttributedString can be used instead of UIWebView
Investigate if NSAttributedString can be used instead of UIWebView
Actually, it is not the svn revision number, because meanwhile we have migrated our codebase to git.
Sort out version.txt
Fixed in iphone/master 0462ad22
The version number is set in the project file. It is available as the environment variable ${MARKETING_VERSION} . The application plist is also filled automatically.
version.txt was deleted at svn3574 read version number from plist. It might be that the build scripts that use the version number were never used after that check-in.
Synch: Strange error message in console window
Sort out version.txt
Remove svn references from make_source_bundles.sh
svn revision info to be added again to the build process
Fixed in iphone/master 42e5a492
svn revision info to be added again to the build process
Fix a layout warning (table cell content view has height = 0).
correct views for yes/no questions
Card Edit: Conflict on Layout constraint for multi-line fields
Fixed in svn4020. Tested ok.
Fix layout conflicts in card edit and data wizard. This resolves #642 (Card Edit: Conflict on Layout constraint for multi-line fields).
Solution: Removed the height constraint and related setter from DataFieldCell. Impact on CardEditViewController and DataWizardViewController. To be tested on both views with single-line, multi-line and empty field.
1) the calculated height values are used at two places: a) in heightForRowAtIndexPath (for the table) b) as a height constraint for the DataFieldCell. 2) When I remove the height constraint for the cell, the conflict is gone. 3) When I additionally remove the heightForRowAtIndexPath, it does not show multi-line content. 4) When I add the height constraint for the cell again, I get: a) again the conflict warning. b) additionally a warning (possibly for an empty cell): "Detected a case where constraints...
Notes: 1) the affected card has a multi-line content. 2) We implement a method calculateHeightsOfTextFields which uses hard-coded constants in the formula. This might be dangerous. Since iOS 7 the UITableView provides a method estimatedRowHeight: Providing a nonnegative estimate of the height of rows can improve the performance of loading the table view. The default value is UITableViewAutomaticDimension, which means that the table view selects an estimated height to use on your behalf. Setting the...
Notes: 1) the affected card has a multi-line content. 2) We implement a method calculateHeightsOfTextFields which uses hard-coded constants in the formula. This might be dangerous. Since iOS 7 the UITableView provides a method estimatedRowHeight: Providing a nonnegative estimate of the height of rows can improve the performance of loading the table view. The default value is UITableViewAutomaticDimension, which means that the table view selects an estimated height to use on your behalf. Setting the...
Notes: 1) the affected card has a multi-line content. 2) We implement a method calculateHeightsOfTextFields which uses hard-coded constants in the formula. This might be dangerous. 3) Since iOS 7 the UITableView provides a method estimatedRowHeight. Maybe this is a good alternative.
Card Edit: Conflict on Layout constraint for multi-line fields
Notes: UIActionSheet is deprecated since iOS 8, and we don't use it any more. It shall be replaced with UIAlertController with a preferredStyle of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet. Analysing our current usage of UIAlertController: 1) Card Edit, deleting card (cancel, delete) 2) Cat Edit, bulk commit (cancel, commit) 3) Cat Edit, bulk uncommit (cancel, uncommit) 4) Cat Table, delete (cancel, delete) 5) DB List, delete (cancel, delete) The values of UIAlertControllerStyle are: UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet:...
Resolved in svn 4019, by using the toolbat from the enclosing navigation view controller. With the exception of Help View Controller, which is not yet enclosed in a navi vc.
In modal views, use toolbar from enclosing navigation view controller.
Note: in non-modal views, it has the same color (white) as the table cells; but it is optically separated by a fine line from the tables. In modal views, it has also the same colour; but no optical separation from the table.
Toolbar should get different color than the table views