
Kangas Sound Editor / News: Recent posts

Upgrade to Kangas Sound Editor tutorial pages

There has been a recent substantial upgrade to the Kangas Sound Editor tutorial pages:

Kangas Sound Editor tutorial

The intention is to make it easier to learn how to use the Kangas Sound Editor (QI) software.

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2017-05-10

Release 4.2.0 of Kangas Sound Editor/QI for Windows/Linux

This is to announce release 4.2.0 of Kangas Sound Editor and the related Kangas Sound Editor QI.

Kangas Sound Editor/QI is a kangaroo-themed synthesizer that can be used to create sound effects and music, mix tracks and produce records. A list of features can be found here:

This minor release, which is for Windows and Linux, includes a few changes to bring the software into line with Kangas Sound Editor 4.2.0 for Mac OS X. ... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2014-07-11

Release 4.2.0 of Kangas Sound Editor/Kangas Sound Editor QI for Mac OS X

This is to announce release (4.2.0) of Kangas Sound Editor and the related Kangas Sound Editor QI on Mac OS X.

Kangas Sound Editor/QI is a kangaroo-themed synthesizer that can be used to create sound effects and music, mix tracks and produce records. A list of features can be found here:

This new release includes enhancements and bug-fixes made in versions 4.0.0 and 4.1.0, not previously released on Mac OS X, and additional enhancements and bug-fixes for version 4.2.0.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2014-06-25

Release 4.1.0 of Kangas Sound Editor/QI

This is to announce release (4.1.0) of Kangas Sound Editor and the related Kangas Sound Editor QI.

Kangas Sound Editor/QI is a kangaroo-themed synthesizer that can be used to create sound effects and music, mix tracks and produce records. A list of features can be found here:

This new release includes numerous enhancements and bug fixes, including WavePlayer (an internal audio player) and provision for computation of a master track.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2014-05-05

Release 3.2.2 of the Kangas Sound Editor/QI for Mac OS X

This is to announce a new release (3.2.2) of the Kangas Sound Editor and Kangas Sound Editor QI on Mac OS X.

The Kangas Sound Editor is a kangaroo-themed synthesizer that can be used to create sound effects and music, mix tracks and produce records.
A list of features can be found here:

This is a bug fix/maintenance release that extends the functionality of release 3.2.0/3.2.1 of the software. This is the first 3.2.x release of Kangas Sound Editor and Kangas Sound Editor QI on Mac OS X, so it is the first time features introduced in 3.2 are available on this platform.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2013-11-21

Bug-fix release 3.2.1 of the Kangas Sound Editor

This is to announce a bug-fix release (3.2.1) of the Kangas Sound Editor.

The Kangas Sound Editor is a kangaroo-themed synthesizer that can be used to create sound effects and music, mix tracks and produce records.

A list of features can be found here:

The bug fixes are to the Kangas Sound Editor installer, and fix some bugs that prevented a desktop shortcut to the Kangas Sound Editor from being created successfully on Linux/Unix. ... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2013-10-17

Release 3.2.0 of the Kangas Sound Editor QI

This is to announce a new release (3.2.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor QI. Unlike the Kangas Sound Editor, this program uses an internal database engine (HSQLDB) instead of MySQL.

The Kangas Sound Editor QI is a kangaroo-themed synthesizer that can be used to create sound effects and music, mix tracks and produce records.

A list of features can be found here: read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2013-10-12

Release 3.2.0 of the Kangas Sound Editor

This is to announce a new release (3.2.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor, which is its first release since late 2010.

The Kangas Sound Editor is a kangaroo-themed synthesizer that can be used to create sound effects and music compositions, mix tracks and produce records. A list of features can be found here:

This new release includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes which improve the usability of the program, and also add to its power. The three main enhancements are:... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2013-09-28

Minor release of the Kangas Sound Editor/QI

This is to announce a minor release (3.1.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor and the Kangas Sound Editor QI.

There are a few enhancements and bug fixes in this release. The intended effect of the enhancements is to improve the usability and increase the power of the software.

The use of the term 'power' increase stems from the increase in precision in the 3.1 release. For example, the effect of increasing the precision of harmonic factors from 3 to 8 decimal places is an increase in the number of combinations for each harmonic factor from 10e3 to 10e8, which when multiplied by the upto 10e3 harmonic factors, yields 10e11 possiblities per Harmonic Instrument instead of just 10e6 possibilities with the 3.0 release.
Note that the number of possibilites increases dramatically once Variations (allowing changes of individual harmonics over time) are applied, and the number of Anti-harmonic Instrument possibilities is considerably greater due to the application of Anti-harmonic Bases, which themselves see a precision increase in this release from 3 to 6 decimal places for each of the upto 10e3 index values. Note that the increase in precision (from 3 to 6 decimal places) associated with Graph segment parameters yields a further significant increase in power. These instruments are used in the context of a cellular structure, each with their own properties - for example, one or more Harmonic Instruments can be combined with one or more Anti-harmonic Instruments in a Sound Box/Cell, which has its own set of properties. The large number of possible arrangements of cells, cells types and cell property values combined with the properties of the
Track that contains them (e.g. for Stereo adjustments) and the aforementioned possibilities leads to nothing short of an
astronomic number of sound synthesis possibilities with the Kangas Sound Editor version 3.1.0 ... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2010-12-27

Fix release (3.0.1) of Kangas Sound Editor/QI

This is to announce a fix release (3.0.1) of the Kangas Sound Editor and the Kangas Sound Editor QI.

This release is for Mac OS X only, and fixes an installation problem when running on Leopard, that resulted in the Kangas Sound Editor/QI installer failing to launch even when Java SE 6 is present, and the CPU is 64-bit Intel.

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2010-11-19

Major release of the Kangas Sound Editor/QI

This is to announce a major release (3.0.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor and the Kangas Sound Editor QI.

The Kangas Sound Editor is a Kangaroo-themed program that allows users to create music and sound effects. It uses a system of frequency ratios for pitch control, rather than conventional music notation and equal temperament. It allows instruments, both musical and percussion, to be created.

The 3.0.0 release has an XML import/export facility, that allows Kangas Sound Editor and Kangas Sound Editor QI users to collaborate with each other on tracks and compositions, and build on the work of other Kangas Sound Editor/QI users (e.g. by utilising on-line archives of KangaSound XML files that correspond to various instruments, chords,
sound effects, percussion sequences, rhythm tracks etc.).... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2010-11-06

Kangas Sound Editor competition launched

A Kangas Sound Editor competition has now been launched, in order to improve the number of responses to the Kangas Sound Editor questionnaire ( ).

In case you are interested, here is the link:

To those who decide to enter, Good Luck!

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2009-09-05

Kangas Sound Editor questionnaire

At the end of this news item is a link to a market-research questionnaire on the Kangas Sound Editor ( ). It takes around 10-15 minutes to complete, and will allow you to have your say on the future direction of the Kangas Sound Editor.

The Kangas Sound Editor is a computer program that allows you to create synthesized music and sound effects. It uses a system of frequency ratios for pitch control, instead of conventional music notation.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2009-09-02

Joint release (2.8.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor/QI

This is to announce a new release (2.8.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor and the Kangas Sound Editor QI.

The Kangas Sound Editor is a Kangaroo-themed program that allows the user to create music and sound effects.
It uses a system of frequency ratios for pitch control, rather than conventional music notation and equal temperament.
It allows instruments, both musical and percussion, to be created. ... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2008-12-07

Joint release (2.7.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor/QI

This is to announce a new release (2.7.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor and the Kangas Sound Editor QI.

The Kangas Sound Editor is a Kangaroo-themed program that allows the user to create music and sound effects. It uses a system of frequency ratios for pitch control, rather than conventional music notation and equal temperament. It allows instruments, both musical and percussion, to be created.

The 2.7.0 release has some usability improvements, and a bug fix. The usability improvements include the introduction of tooltips for boxes in Edit view, and making the Finder and System Info dialogs remember their size and location on screen. The bug fix is in the area of scrollable Sequence and Sound properties.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2008-09-23

Joint release (2.6.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor (QI)

The Kangas Sound Editor is a Kangaroo-themed program that allows the user to create music and sound effects. It uses a system of frequency ratios for pitch control, rather than conventional music notation and equal temperament. It allows instruments, both musical and percussion, to be created.

The 2.6.0 release has usability improvements on the previous release of the Kangas Sound Editor (2.5.1), and introduces the Kangas Sound Editor QI. The Kangas Sound Editor QI 2.6.0 has comparable functionality to the Kangas Sound Editor 2.6.0, but uses an embedded HSQL database engine (, whereas the Kangas Sound Editor uses MySQL Community Edition for its database engine, which needs to be downloaded and installed separately. It is recommended that first time users use the new Kangas Sound Editor QI, as this product has a simpler and quicker installation procedure.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2008-08-23

Bug fix release (2.5.1) of the Kangas Sound Editor

This release fixes bugs introduced in the previous release (2.5.0):

1. Attempting to display graphs, harmonics and other non-text entities in a finder dialog resulted in the dialog 'hanging'.

2. A problem with the installer build, which resulted in the installer being significantly larger than it should, has also been fixed.

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2008-05-20

Enhancement release (2.5.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor!

The Kangas Sound Editor team are proud to announce the release of the Kangas Sound Editor version 2.5.0, which is a release of the Kangas Sound Editor with some significant enhancements:

New in this release:
1. The Pitch views have now been implemented, using a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm.
2. The Amplitude views have now been implemented, using Root Mean Square calculations.
3. The ability to specify limits on the waveform of track zero (the composite track) has been added.
4. The 'simple reps' function of repetition groups now allows volume adjustments, leading to reverb/echo effects on sounds.
5. A menu function for opening/listing tracks has been added.
6. A menu function for getting Kangas Sound Editor help on the web has been added.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2008-05-11

New song release with Kangas Sound Editor backing track!

There is a new song release out, that has a 100% synthesised backing track created using the Kangas Sound Editor. You can listen to the first two minutes of this song for free at:

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2008-01-30

Bug fix release (2.4.1) of the Kangas Sound Editor.

Roo and joey 'The Kangas' are proud to announce the release of the Kangas Sound Editor version 2.4.1, which is a release of the Kangas Sound Editor on Sourceforge with an important bug fix.

This version fixes a bug with computations involving the 'Raw sound file start ofs' field of Recorded Sound boxes, which previously produced correct results only with integer values of
this field. This bug fix is considered important because it meant that (possibly) recorded sound in .WAV files couldn't be correctly synchronised
with the sounds generated by the Kangas Sound Editor in a large number of cases. ... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2007-09-21

Kangas Sound Editor release 2.4.0 now available!

Roo and joey 'The Kangas' are proud to announce the release of the Kangas Sound Editor version 2.4.0, which is the third release of
the Kangas Sound Editor on Sourceforge.

In this version of the program, you can set limits on the channels when computing stereo (which results in distortion), export sound files
from a composition to a directory of your choosing, and benefit from other improvements/bug-fixes such as improved progress dialog behaviour and improved grid behaviour.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2007-08-29

Kangas Sound Editor release 2.3.1 available now!

Roo and joey 'The Kangas' are proud to announce the release of the
Kangas Sound Editor version 2.3.1, which is the second release of
the Kangas Sound Editor on Sourceforge.

In this version of the program, you can see views of the waveform
and channel data for a given composition using the 'Wave' and
'Channel' nodes shown in the tracks area (top left of the Kangas
Sound Editor main screen).

You can also configure the maximum number of tracks, and the default
view height in pixels.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2007-08-13

First release of Kangas Sound Editor on SourceForge!

Roo and joey 'The Kangas' are proud to announce the release of the Kangas Sound Editor version 2.2.1, which is the first release of
the Kangas Sound Editor on Sourceforge.

This program allows music and sound-effects to be created, by allowing the harmonics/inharmonics of sounds to be created/edited on a database, and then used when constructing a composition,
along with property values and graphs that allow control of volume, pitch and time intervals.... read more

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2007-07-11