
Enhancement release (2.5.0) of the Kangas Sound Editor!

The Kangas Sound Editor team are proud to announce the release of the Kangas Sound Editor version 2.5.0, which is a release of the Kangas Sound Editor with some significant enhancements:

New in this release:
1. The Pitch views have now been implemented, using a Fast Fourier Transform algorithm.
2. The Amplitude views have now been implemented, using Root Mean Square calculations.
3. The ability to specify limits on the waveform of track zero (the composite track) has been added.
4. The 'simple reps' function of repetition groups now allows volume adjustments, leading to reverb/echo effects on sounds.
5. A menu function for opening/listing tracks has been added.
6. A menu function for getting Kangas Sound Editor help on the web has been added.

We hope you enjoy using this latest version of the Kangas Sound Editor.

Posted by PaulNorthYorks 2008-05-11

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