
File not found error

John Eaton
  • John Eaton

    John Eaton - 2015-05-03

    I am trying out the latest rev with some of my IP-Xact files and it gives me a file not found error for files that I have called out in a filelist. These files do not exist but they will be generated by a componentGenerator before they are needed by a subsequent componentGenerator. How do I handle this and get rid of the error?

    John Eaton

    BTW: The University uses TUT for your vendor name. The standard requires a valid url owned by your organization for a vendor name. That ensures that no two IP-Xact modules will ever have a name collision.

  • Esko Pekkarinen

    Esko Pekkarinen - 2015-05-04

    Hi John,

    The easiest way is to create empty files to act as placeholders for the generated files. This will silence the errors until the generation is run for the first time.

    Thank you for pointing out the inconsistency in our naming with the standard. This will be changed in the future releases.


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