
Kactus2 / Blog: Recent posts

Demo on IP-XACT to VHDL and C

We added to files (see Files/Tuorials folder) a short demo in two video clips for the following use case:

  1. Specify IP-XACT component in Kactus2 for a new hardware IP-block (non-existing)
    1.1. Create Port definitions
    1.2. Create Model Parameters (for VHDL generics)
    1.3. Define local Memory areas and registers for this component (That is
    IP-Xact Memory Map Definitions)
    1.4. Create bus interfaces and port maps, this is skipped in the demo
    1.5. Generate VHDL stub for the IP-block implementation... read more
Posted by TimoD 2013-11-01

Kactus2 project statistics

We use ohloh to analyze the Kactus2 project itself. See the statistics here:

Posted by TimoD 2012-09-12

Kactus2 roadmap

Click heading to see attached picture.

Posted by TimoD 2012-05-04

Kactus2 user experience design principles

We want that Kactus2 gives the best user experience for an EDA tool. This is how we will do it:

It is human friendly

  • Use context to help user to never get lost
  • Do not show every possible choises at once but only the frequently used first
  • Context sensitive ribbon, editors, designers, library views and filtering
  • Switching between mission specific workspaces

It is wrist friendly
* All actions with minimum mouse/touch clicks
* No deep and complex menus
* Multitouch screen support
* Column-wise layout that extends vertically... read more

Posted by TimoD 2012-04-25 Labels: user interface user experience