K-3D 0.6 is the third major release of K-3D.
All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to
K-3D 0.6 for its completely rewritten user
interface, many new features, and significantly
improved stability over 0.4.
K-3D incorporates better error-handling and troubleshooting on Win32, including an in-program window to capture log output and fallback message dialogs for critical startup errors. Denis Leroy contributed fixes for a problem compiling against Python 2.5, and a startup crash on 64-bit GNU/Linux. Also fixed is an error generating RenderMan output with custom options, and a new "Hider" property in the RenderMan engine makes it possible to control the choice of hider at render-time (particularly useful when rendering with Pixie).
Developers are invited to contribute to the
K-3D 0.7 development tree, which will lead to
the next release of K-3D.