
Command-line usage

Bogdan Drozdowski

The following command-line (case-insensitive) options are supported:

--conf file

read configuration from file

--databits 5,6,7,8

sets the number of data bits (default: 8)


delete the downloaded elements if downloaded successfully

--delete-alarm N

delete the alarm number N

--delete-element ID

delete the element (file) with the given ID

--delete-sms N

delete the SMS message with ID=N

--dial-data number

dials the given number for a data connection

--dial-voice number

dials the given number for a voice connection


downloads all animations/videos from the phone and exits


downloads all events from the phone and exits


downloads all photos from the phone and exits


downloads all ringtones from the phone and exits


downloads all to-do tasks from the phone and exits


downloads all addressbook entries from the phone and exits


combines all "download" options and exits

--download-dir dir

sets the default download directory

--flow none,soft,hard,soft+hard

sets the flow control mode (default: none)


stops the current call, if any


display help

--lang LL_CC_VV

select the language to use by JYMAG: "LL" is the language, "CC" is the country code, "VV" is the variant. Separate them using underscores. Only LL is required.

--license, --licence

display license information


list the alarms set in the phone


list phone elements (files)


display the SMS messages in the phone

--parity none, even, odd, space, mark

sets the parity mode (default: none)

--port filename

sets the default port


scans available ports for "OK" answers and exits the program

--send-cmd-file file

sends the contents of the given file (as commands or data or mix of these)

--send-sms number msg

send the given msg message as an SMS to the given recipient number

--speed 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 500000, 576000, 921600, 1000000, 1152000,1500000, 2000000, 2500000, 3000000, 3500000, 4000000

sets the port speed (default: 115200)

--stopbits 1,1.5,2

sets the number of stop bits (default: 1)

--update-alarm "DD/MM/YY,HH:MM:SS",N,"days"

updates the given alarm in the phone. N is the alarm number. Days are comma-separated numbers (1-Monday) or 0 for all days

--upload filename

uploads the given file to the phone and exits

--version, -v

display program version