
Skipping tags

  • Lonnie L. Souder

    Is there a way to skip tags in an xml so I can work on an xml without getting rid of tags I haven't dealt with yet? Maybe use "wild" or something?

    Also it seems that <rem>Testing</rem> does not work in a qjml, I get "unrecognized tag: rem"


    • Bill la Forge

      Bill la Forge - 2000-12-08

      Skipping or ignoring can be a bit complicated, depending on the particulars.

      The easiest approach is to define all the elements/attributes in QJML, and to create a Java object for each element and attribute. Just don't establish a relationship between the Java objects--this means you can use java.lang.Object and java.lang.String for the elements and attributes that do not interest you.

      So instead of using field or property as the accessor, use accessClass. And give it a value of com.jxml.quick.access.QIgnore.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-17

    There are more tags which do not work.

    Some are


    Earlier ipAddress was also not working, but later it started working. (I was not able to figure out, what made it work).

    In my bean

    both name and location are of string types,
    everything remains the same for these 2 tags, name is working and location is not.

    For location, it says, unrecognized tag.

    Please give your suggestions to

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-09-17

    I think I have got a solution to some extent.

    Quick reacts abnormally if your property name contains 2 or more consecutive upper case letters.


    if you use a property name useNTP, or useDHCP,

    it will not show the problem with this property, but will give unrecognized tag which ever tag the next is following.


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